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Expensive Electrical failure - how to overcome


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I shall set the scene (sit back and prepare for an exciting tale of intrigue!!) - 350Z, 55 plate, 1 owner from new (moi) and 34k on the clock. One bump, having been hit from behind (or, in the words of the husband of my best friend, "took one up the wrong 'un eh.." which has been successfully repaired.


Imagine you are pootling along in your cherished Z and wish to open the window. It doesn't. Then the central locking doesn't work.


Then both do


Then both don't but you hear a clicking sound.


Then your exhaust starts blowing.


Then you can't open your boot.


One day you turn on the ignition and the lights come on, although they aren't.


Indicators don't work


Wipers don't work.


Electric seat does!! :teeth:


Pissing with rain one day when out, so unable to drive her home, I get monsieur le breakdown co (HUGE positive plug for Brittania Rescue here) to repair me to the garage. On the way home Mr Man says "Try Nissan Customer care"


New exhaust is £900 plus fitting, and only in mild steel. Boo hiss. Main fuse has gone. but why?


I call Nissan Customer Care.


Very nice lady, very helpful, calls me back several times, and also calls dealer several times.


The result?


New exhaust from CAT back. Nissan pay for back box, I pay for middle section


Nissan pay for new seat adjuster switch (which was the cause of electrical problems) and also pay for main fuse


Dealer pays for 15% of labour.


Result!! and I have my baby back *sigh*





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