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ESP..... on or off ?


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bridgestones are awesome tyres in the dry and i would reccomend them as a dry track tyre. but in the wet they don't heat up well and stay slippery. the only benefit of them in the wet is that although they slip, they still stay very progressive and easy to adjust.


swapped to the vred's and they stick alot better and the grip in the wet is so much better, and they are still very progressive.


when i had the stones fitted my rears used to slid slightly all the time if you pulled away quickly or the esp would kick in and kill the power so you'd have nothing to pull out on.which is slightly un nerving when pulling in to small gaps in busy traffic.


since swapping the tyres not had these problems. what tread depth are you down too?

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  Husky said:
wet = on

dry = off alot of the time


tbh i would love to actually have a count of the number of people who have binned the car with it on and with it off i think it'll look like:

with on: none

with off: Lots



just dont raise my insurance premium ;) i would trust alex to have it off though :teeth: infact i would pay to be a passenger :lol:


IIRC Madmarky had it ON when he had his incident on the way back from Bluewater

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  stanski said:
Aha!!! With Bridgestones mine used to twitch a lot and still slide but since I fitted Falkens it's been super :D


Come to think of it - since the Toyos went on, tonight was first time the ESP has needed to kick in...............and boy did it NEED to :headhurt:

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Yer, i read Falkens or Toyo's. Dont want to turn this into a tyre thread as i am sure i could search that but whats the consensus on these two makes ?


Is there a preference ?


:doh: Dam i just turned this into a tyre thread :lol:

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  rich5259 said:
  Husky said:
wet = on

dry = off alot of the time


tbh i would love to actually have a count of the number of people who have binned the car with it on and with it off i think it'll look like:

with on: none

with off: Lots



just dont raise my insurance premium ;) i would trust alex to have it off though :teeth: infact i would pay to be a passenger :lol:


IIRC Mad marky had it ON when he had his incident on the way back from Bluewater

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  Husky said:
  rich5259 said:
  Husky said:
wet = on

dry = off alot of the time


tbh i would love to actually have a count of the number of people who have binned the car with it on and with it off i think it'll look like:

with on: none

with off: Lots



just dont raise my insurance premium ;) i would trust alex to have it off though :teeth: infact i would pay to be a passenger :lol:


IIRC Mad marky had it ON when he had his incident on the way back from Bluewater



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  Vik54 said:
Mine's only come on a handfull of times - its just a wee judder and loss of power - there's one spot on my daily drive - basically a complete switchback which I take at about 5mph - now its the only place where the ESP gets switched off as a matter of course.........otherwise it is only off when its dry and the tyres are warm - although I did have my first true :drive1 moment tonight when I hit a roundabout and a pile of leaves at the same time and was going far too fast - thankfully the ESP did its job and I carried on with a combination of :scare: & :teeth:


Thats the same with me, theres a 'spot' on my way to work that knocks the TCS on - I don't even know why either :wacko:


Oh, and I always have it off in the snow or your can't drive it :lol:

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I have 7mm on the back and 3.5mm on the front Rich. its defo a tyre issue, like i said i was more concerned with the agressive kick in of the esp but this seem to be the norm :dry: which i guess is good.


And as far as ins premiums go Husky, dont even get me going on that one :p i pay too much for my age, zero points, zero calims etc etc this goverment can kiss my £££



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  Vale said:
Yer, i read Falkens or Toyo's. Dont want to turn this into a tyre thread as i am sure i could search that but whats the consensus on these two makes ?


Is there a preference ?


:doh: Dam i just turned this into a tyre thread :lol:



Mate, like said before in this thread, if your light comes on too often then it's either your tyres, suspension, geometry or even driving style that is the cause. go methodically through each variable ;)


ESP off or on is a matter of choice rather than consensus :scare: On track i have it off but most fast road work ON and unless i need to show boat and hang out the a--e a bit :teeth:


Tyres are the most important upgrades on the zed for fast road and to that add suspension and brakes if you do track work and your zed will be transformed! But either way the right tyre pressures and geometry is a must ;)


Finally, always go for the best on those items mentioned if you can because that's what you get! so for me its Michelin's PS2s everytime :p

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Sorry for my naivity, but i have "felt" it come on in the past, but is there any other indicator to let you know the ESP has kicked in? Does a light come on, or do you just feel a loss in power, and the wheels gain traction?


(Mine is always switched on by the way)

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  Tarmac said:
Mine comes on a lot when I'm angry or hungry.


I dunno why but when I'm either of the above it affects my driving style..


Never felt the need to turn it off tho, I think it must be there for a reason, I've grown quite fond of my zed



Hungry? :lol:

Just go back to the fags Tarmac - it'll be easier on the car and your stomach ;)

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  D4XNY said:
Sorry for my naivity, but i have "felt" it come on in the past, but is there any other indicator to let you know the ESP has kicked in? Does a light come on, or do you just feel a loss in power, and the wheels gain traction?


(Mine is always switched on by the way)


yes the flashing light. just do a silly chav start and youll see it ;)

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  Tarmac said:
Mine comes on a lot when I'm angry or hungry.


I dunno why but when I'm either of the above it affects my driving style..


Never felt the need to turn it off tho, I think it must be there for a reason, I've grown quite fond of my zed



I laughed ALOT at that :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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As above, i'm new to the hole rwd thing and I keep mine on all the time. I did turn it off in the wet on the first day I picked her up. I wheel span from the middle of the intersection onto my estate, into seconds gear past the Fire Station Headquarters then wanted my mum and some toilet roll. :yahoo: The switch have never been touched again. :p



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  nixy said:
there's always a mystery diesel spill around those times! :lol:


Loved how he refused to confirm or deny whether the ESP was on or off though, like that wasn't confirmation enough in itself...... :lol:



Moral of the story, keep it on if you'd like your insurance company to pick up the bill once you realise that your not Ken Block......

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I always have mine off !! I have done for the last 2 and a half years since I bought the car. I totally trust my instincts over the computer every day of the week, at least if i crash the car i can blame my lack of talent and not blame the ecu's lack of talent.





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