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Help Please, a cat tried to kill me!


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So, driving you work this morning i turned left onto a road in the usual spirated fasion. All was going fine untill a cat jumped out in front of me.


Naturally i slammed the brakes on. Unfortunetlly for me, my size 14 clown foot slid off the break pedel and onto the accelerator. So rather then slamming my foot on the brake i slammed it no the accelerator. End result was that the back of the car came well out. I over corrected and the car changed directons and was pointing at the other side of the road.


The front wheels of the car hit the curb and mounted it and then the car came to rest halfway up the verge. After i had finished shi**ing myself i backed the car off the verge and drove the last 100m to the office at about 5 mph.


I have had a look round the car and their is no obvious damage. The tyres still have pressure and i cant see any dents on the wheels.


the bumper is still attached and aprat from being a bit dirty seems fine. there are two bits of plastic the have come off behind the bumper but they dont look important.


I have the breakdown services comming out to check it over and i have my fingers crossed that i am lucky.


What sort of things should i be checking tho? I really wasnt going that fast when i hit the curb but would rather be safe then sorry.



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Hahaha, something like that. I will get it next time tho!


Had the RAC out, they had a look at the car and took it for a test drive. As far as they can see everything is fine and there is no damage!


Well done nissan for building a tank.


The car is going in for new breaks anyway next week so i will get them to have a proper look then.


But for now the only thing that needs replacing is my underware.

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  rich5259 said:
  nicon2k said:
there are two bits of plastic the have come off behind the bumper but they dont look important.


If you mean the wheelarch liners, they do stop a lot of water getting into the electrics


As you look at the front of the car its two bits of plastic either side of the front grill.

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  nicon2k said:
  stanski said:
Lucy escape there mate - yup the Zed is a pretty tough car on the whole except for the paint of course! :wacko:


I saw your post about the OAP. Was gunna say that you are lucky, at least the animals arn't out to get you.


I know - but give them time we have had cattle grazing on the M56 before - and its not funny !

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Yeah, i think i will be giving up to.


Just took the car out for a spin. All seems fine. doesnt pull when driving or braking.


It was my own fault really, it wouldn't happened if i had the traction control on. Got into a sticky situation and ran of of skill.


There are a few bit of plastic that have come off the bumper but they should go back on with ease next week when the car goes to Japex for new brakes.

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