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Rx8 or 350z please help me decide !!

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I was looking between the two same cars and test drove both, im obviously going to say the zed but ill explain my reason. The Zed has a much more muscle car feel to it, the sound of the V6 is awesome, and to drive you really cant have more fun in another car. its also very reliable and has hardly any serious faults as long as its treated well. The RX8 has a Rotary engine that will apparently drink as much oil as petrol, it requires much more maintenance as my parents had one for a while and they were always taking it to the garage for services. To drive its very smooth and the handling is very good with a stylish interior (to me anyway), but it lacked that raw power that the Zed has.


Dont get me wrong both cars are good but without understanding what kind of driver you are and what type of car you enjoy driving its hard to choose, it will come down to the one that ticks more boxes.

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thanks for the responses so far guys


how much provocation does the z need for the back end to come out , i dont really want a twitchy car


the rx8 prices are sooo tempting but scanning the posts on the rx club nearly every other day someone posts something has broken, just wondering if the z is worth the 3k premium over the rx8 prices


the handling on the rx is supposed to be excellent although the lack of torque issue does bother me, past few cars i have had have been turbocharged

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Hello Jollyranchers and welcome to the forum :thumbs:


I was inthe same position as you couple of month ago,really like both cars and had more than few test drives in both, hasseled all the local nissan and mazda dealers for two months.

Well I guess you know what i chosed in the end.

The RX8 it's a really good car, nice lines, more practical and not so thirsty on petrol ( on oil is ), but when I got to drive the Z it's was beefe, strong, and great great fun to drive!

If you want to have some fun, with the Z you just have to slighlty push the accellerator and you'll be :teeth: while with the RX8 you would have to rev up over the 5k to set it in the sport mode.

Defenetly take both cars out for a frive and see which one makes you smile the most, your car, your soul.


Will this be you day to day car or just week-end?

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  jollyranchers said:
thanks for the responses so far guys


how much provocation does the z need for the back end to come out , i dont really want a twitchy car


the rx8 prices are sooo tempting but scanning the posts on the rx club nearly every other day someone posts something has broken, just wondering if the z is worth the 3k premium over the rx8 prices


the handling on the rx is supposed to be excellent although the lack of torque issue does bother me a past few cars i have had have been turbocharged


Its not twitchy at all and it can be made even less twitchy if you want!


Touch wood, very few issues, generally problems come when you mess with them! The few little glitches like door window motor, clicky drive shafts and a few other bits are livable with!


Zed appears to beat the Rex for handelling but it can be down to the driver! Rex you have the rev the ar$e off to get anythign out of it.. never had a time when I have seen a lack of torque... After all, its not easy to do high speeds in the UK unless your on the track, and at times when you need to go quick off the line you have to slow down pretty quickly afterwards!

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  alessandro said:
Hello Jollyranchers and welcome to the forum :thumbs:


I was inthe same position as you couple of month ago,really like both cars and had more than few test drives in both, hasseled all the local nissan and mazda dealers for two months.

Well I guess you know what i chosed in the end.

The RX8 it's a really good car, nice lines, more practical and not so thirsty on petrol ( on oil is ), but when I got to drive the Z it's was beefe, strong, and great great fun to drive!

If you want to have some fun, with the Z you just have to slighlty push the accellerator and you'll be :teeth: while with the RX8 you would have to rev up over the 5k to set it in the sport mode.

Defenetly take both cars out for a frive and see which one makes you smile the most, your car, your soul.


Will this be you day to day car or just week-end?


I take it you drove the LPG version then?!?!? :p I understand the Rex is pretty thirsty...

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You,ll get a biased opinion on here as most have a zed. I looked at both and decided on the zed. I didn't need back seats. The zed has way more torque. The zed is better looking, more fun to drive and more premium in it's appeal as few people own zeds compared to the Rex. And yes they are worth the extra premium. Easy to maintain, and fantastic Fun to drive. The Rex is a good car, but the zeds better. You don't have to rag the arse off it to go fast.

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:welcome: to the club mate

on behalf of myself and Lexx we both had Rexs before 350s

short version:

both cars are feckin fabulous but in different ways.

The Rex is a practical family sports saloon with excellent engineering and design ,superb engine and before Lexx tells you ..NO it does not drink oil as much as petrol that is just scaremongering by people who never owned one!!


Yes you can rev it up to 9000 revs and flies like sh@@ off a shovel it grips like nothing else the boot is huge the interior quality and piddles

on Many cars you drive


like a hooligan all day everyday and

it won't complain. Yes you need to check the oil level it's a pain but that's life and yes it's not frugal you get mid 20s max buy a Micra if that worries you.

Don't compare the zed to it the zed has the torque of a high end diesel is well planted but can kill you if you switch the ESP off. Zed is also a superb car and is a great long distance cruder and for the

money an absolute bargain.

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  jollyranchers said:

the rx8 prices are sooo tempting but scanning the posts on the rx club nearly every other day someone posts something has broken, just wondering if the z is worth the 3k premium over the rx8 prices


I came from turbo charged cars as well as my past 4 or 5 cars were Saab 95's. The big difference you will see from this owners site and just about every other car owners site is you very rarely see posts about problems people have with their car.


On the Saab forums it seems to be the main reason go on is to find a fix for their latest problem and this tends to be the case with most car sites.


On here it feels more like an owners club and everyone truly loves their cars, this is only because of 1 reason, the zed is a fantastic car.


The fact it is a bit more expensive that the competition makes it a tad more exclusive and you find yourself checking out another zed on the road when you do happen to come across one, which isn't very often...


Look at it this way, it's reassuringly expensive ;)


You will never regret it if you decide to buy the Zed....and that's a guarantee.

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  BulletMagnet said:
  stanski said:
Excuse spelling mistakes etc it's the iPhone autofill changing my worms!!!! :lol:

You can turn the autospell thing off you know... :lol:

I know mate but 99% of the time it saves my fat finger typing but once in a while it does it's own thang !!! :lol:

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Hi and welcome to the forum. :)


I had an RX7 and really liked it so when the time came to buy another fun car I tried the RX8. I also tried porkers and a few other cars but I kept coming back to the Zed. I am now really happy that I made the decision I did. :)


The biggest free bonus was this place. The first forum that I joined. :thumbs:

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