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trick or treat?


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the bloody kids where i live come round and want money!!!!! not sweets. i got a BLOKE come round 2 years ago and held out his hand and in a very deep voice said Trick or Treat!! i told him to do one. spoke to my neighbours that said the same thing about him.


kids/sweets = OK

adults/money = not OK


i am going to get a costume i think of a rabid squirrel!!

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  Zedrush said:
never too old for trick or treating, nixy im a knocking at your door, I want a ton of sweets :lol:

If you knocked at my door that WOULD be scary! A SOUTHERNER! I'll save you a lolly then!


  350 giZ said:
  nixy said:
i've caved in and been to tesco this morning for a big bag of lollies - i'm such a softie! :)


But, you wouldn't be so soft if you ate the whole bag yourself, now? :snack::p

bought lollies on purpose as i would scoff the chocolate!

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  Tarmac said:
I can't believe it, I've just had two little chavs at my door trick or treating, I told them I didn't have anything and to come back tomorrow night. As they left one of them turned around and said nice car mate.


Feel uneasy now... Not happy


so very screwed :lol: ive got space in my driveway ;)

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We get loads round us, i thought to myself move the car up the drive so peeps cant walk past it. did i move it? No i didnt


Nice little scratch on the offside rear arch this morning :thumbdown:


Dont know who did it as they all looked alike mini skeletons and witches.


Seriously though when did Haloween take off in this country i never went trick or treating and dont remember many people ever doing it until a few years ago, now its like America.


Sarnie: you need to buy one of those stun guns that fire mini sandbags at a great rate of knots and shoot the ba##ards

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A neighbour near me usually mounts a hidden speaker in the bush near his front door. It's positioned so the speaker is behind whoever is standing infront of the door.

So when the kids come knocking on the door, he goes "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" into a mic at full volume and scares the crap outta the kids.

Cruel, but very amusing to watch, lol

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  Spaceman said:

Seriously though when did Haloween take off in this country i never went trick or treating and dont remember many people ever doing it until a few years ago, now its like America.


could be wrong but surely halloween is a pagan festival so started here and has only been commecialised by america?

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