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TV - Whale Wars


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Anyone watch the Discovery show 'Whale Wars' on Discovery?


Just wondering what you think of the Sea Shepherds?




Hmm dont have sky Stew but did a google on it and I guess Sea Shepherds are basically people that throw stuff at ships that try to catch fish that are in danger of being wiped off the earth due to over fishing???


Not sure depends what they do - if they try to endanger the fishermen then are they no better themselves or are they just militants taking the law into their own hands??


Or are they heros trying to protect the fish and environment? If so how are their boats powered? Surely not the devils fuel diesel and surely not a metal ship ? :shrug:

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I find this show both hilerious and damn right frightening.


Being someone who spends more time at sea than on land, it scares the hell outta me that people as untrained in navigation and seamanship such as some of the muppets on that boat (namely the person they refer to as Chief Mate)

There are collision rules at sea. ie - who gives way to who in what situation. This lot probably aint got a clue, and they then end up causing accidents.

And the thing at sea is that an accident isnt a small thing. YOu're miles away from anywhere generally, with very few resources to put a situation right.


On a sie note, the boat they use (Steve Irwin) is actually the old FPV Westra. The vessel I am on now (FPV Minna) is the one which took over her duties when she was commisioned.

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From what i've seen of this program the 'crew' of the sea-shepherd are not only a danger to themselves but everyone else on the sea's. They are seriously lacking in the basic maratime skills even to nagivate their boat, they are constantly getting lost, keep capsizing the ribcraft, totally inept in any kind of seamanship whatsoever, they will all end up being killed or killing themselves with stupididity.

As for their cause, I can see their point, but as with all these eco nuts they go around it the wrong way, I can never understand what they are trying to do, they never seem to achieve anything apart from throwing stuff, which to be honest isn't that intimidating when your manning a 5 foot harpoon launcher. Also just like these anti-oil greenpeace lot, they are highly hypocritical when protesting about oil tankers they make there way out into the middle of the sea in boats big and small which are powered by what must surly be unicorn @*!# because heaven forbid it would be fossil fuels, wearing their clothes made by an industrial textile inducustry and leaving their cosy homes powered by coal burining gennies! I wonder how many sea animals the sea-shephard has put in danger with their massive props.



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I think it's a good cause they are fightling for however as someone who has spent time following maritime law on oil rigs. It's obviously not comparable to being on a boat but still....


They are so dangerous and behave like terrorists in my opinion. I was watching it at my mates with our other halves and we were all shouting at the TV. My other half then wanted to sky+ it.


I watch it shouting at the TV....



I personally think they go about fighting their cause the wrong way!

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