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Alibaba.com - 350z parts


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Anyone seen it? And bought from it?


Looks like they have lots of gear made in the far east, some stuff available in single items and some in small numbers like 10 items, so good for group buys..


Just search for z33 or 350z in the search and it throws up loads of items. Not sure on the quality but if your looking for cheaper option then it may be worth a look...



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that site is just a site that matches up suppliers with buyers :) its like a yellow pages for parts that can be imported....similar to sites like tradekey


It will be hit and miss like most things and who knows how many "tech carbons" there will be on that site :lol:

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It will be hit and miss like most things and who knows how many "tech carbons" there will be on that site :lol:


+1. As with most things on t'internet pictures look great and when the real thing comes through the door your heart sinks.


For such an expensive "toy", my hard earned zed cash is going via the traders on this site. OK, I may miss a few bargains out there but at the end of the day I don't mind paying a slight premium on good quality stuff that comes from trusty sources. Plus most traders on here have the parts they sell on their own cars - stuff sold on sites like this are probably knocked out by a line of asian women in a factory earning 10p an hour. :dry:

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If you look at whats available on there most ("stuff sold on sites like this are probably knocked out by a line of asian women in a factory earning 10p an hour" ) has and is available on here... Just have a search..... also, you will probably find alot of unbranded parts on there that now have new names..


It is quite a secure way of trading with people as to get setup isnt that easy, and you need to provide info to get an account... Generally those with parts will send samples as proof...

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