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I Have Forgotten How To Sleep :<


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I dont know if its even possible but the last two nights i have just closed my eyes and nothing has happend......I cant even start a dream off!!! My mind just goes totally blank and all i can think about is that i am closing my eyes and not being able to sleep :angry: So i am massively sleep deprived and at work!!! Any suggestions on what i can do???

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i struggle to get to sleep aswell. its not that i cant sleep, its just a pain when there are better things to be doing, its sucha a boring thing to do. hence the late night posting :lol: i took a fistfull of sleeping tablets the other day and it did nothing :(

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From Wiki:


"Most snakes are diurnal (active during daylight hours). Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that depend on sources of heat to keep their body temperatures close to 30° C when they are active. Unless there are other sources of heat available, such as a mammal that they can snuggle up against, they depend on sunlight for heat. They go into a state similar to hibernation when their body temperature is too low for them to function normally."


So from that I think your best course of action would be to sleep naked with the window open and no duvet.





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In a serious reply, cos I suffered badly with it;


Drink shed loads of water through the day, try and avoid caffine. Eat little and often, dont have big meals. Dont watch TV in bed, if you feel like you are just lying there and you cant sleep get back up and go into another room and just do something that wont wake you up fully like watch TV, litterally just chill out or read a mag - i.e. something gentle.

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  dcash5 said:
In a serious reply, cos I suffered badly with it;


Drink shed loads of water through the day, try and avoid caffine. Eat little and often, dont have big meals. Dont watch TV in bed, if you feel like you are just lying there and you cant sleep get back up and go into another room and just do something that wont wake you up fully like watch TV, litterally just chill out or read a mag - i.e. something gentle.


hmm i may try some of that... i find reading a book is the best thing i have got to help. but ive finished everything in the house :( hurry up amazon!!

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Nurrish - go see GP ask for zopiclone - its bloody amazing stuff - if I need it it gives me 8 perfect hours of oblivion and no 'hang over' in the morning :thumbs: (Just make sure you're actually in bed when you take it otherwise you won't actually make it up the stairs ;):lol: )

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  Vik54 said:
Nurrish - go see GP ask for zopiclone - its bloody amazing stuff - if I need it it gives me 8 perfect hours of oblivion and no 'hang over' in the morning :thumbs: (Just make sure you're actually in bed when you take it otherwise you won't actually make it up the stairs ;):lol: )



I will see how i get on tonight....feeling really tired now so hopefully if i stay awake till 9 i should hopefully be well away....


O and yeah no more nights out with you ian.....you are a f@ckin menace to society!!!!


Thanks for the info people :thumbs:

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Chris is right. Get some exercise and fresh air. That'll do it without a doubt.


Im glad i dint have your problem.. i just dont like going to bed! I've been up till 2.30am on Fifa 10 for the last 2 nights and then up at 7 again! Im knackered!

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