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Any Doctors in the house?


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Hey guys and gals...


Just wondered if there are any docs on here! I have just been diagnosed with a slap lesion shoulder injury and am going in for an M.R.I scan tomoz and they are injecting some fluid thing lol into my shoulder. Has this happened to anyone before or does anyone kno much about it?




Jay :)

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I'm a doctor but i'm not an orthopaedic surgeon..have to say I have not come across that before. Do u know the exact medical term for your condition? It's not frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tear, is it? The injection is probably a radio-opaque contrast so that the lesion shows up on the MRI of the shoulder. Should be out of your system in few hours. Mike :snack:

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he's a rugby player so that should be obvious Jerry....













he got really drunk, stripped naked, ran through the high street at 2am and then thought he could rugby tackle a concrete bollard and lost. :lol:


HAHAHAA i have done that before actually bar it was a hedge :thumbs:


It was from scrumming Jerry... Just constant impact on the one shoulder and it eventually went pop

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props are the most physically demanding position to play, i've seen more serious injuries on props than on any other players. i've been out for 5 years now with knee and ankle problems, and i reckon i'm about 2 inches shorter than i should be.


hope you get it sorted and that it won't be a long term out of play

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Thats the actual name of it lol.... i have googled it and i dnt want to have the op lol if i need it..... bits holding my shoulder together...... eeekk. :lol:

Did you see Mike's post Jay?



I'm a doctor but i'm not an orthopaedic surgeon..have to say I have not come across that before. Do u know the exact medical term for your condition? It's not frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tear, is it? The injection is probably a radio-opaque contrast so that the lesion shows up on the MRI of the shoulder. Should be out of your system in few hours. Mike :snack:
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Thats the actual name of it lol.... i have googled it and i dnt want to have the op lol if i need it..... bits holding my shoulder together...... eeekk. :lol:

Did you see Mike's post Jay?



I'm a doctor but i'm not an orthopaedic surgeon..have to say I have not come across that before. Do u know the exact medical term for your condition? It's not frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tear, is it? The injection is probably a radio-opaque contrast so that the lesion shows up on the MRI of the shoulder. Should be out of your system in few hours. Mike :snack:


I dont know the exact medical term mike... all the doctor said was that it was Slap lesion. Its defo not frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tear as i have heard of them and a few of my friends have had the rotator cuff. Thanks for the info on the dye :thumbs: Going in at 1pm so will soon find out lol.


Cheers for the heads up bronze ;)

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SLAP stands for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior lesion.

it is essentially a cartilage defect +/- detachment of the biceps muscle.

Its diagnosed after an MRI or shoulder arthroscopy and clinical examination is only suggestive. I wouldn't label your shoulder with a SLAP lesion prior to those tests.

good luck

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Hi maz77, are you an orthopaedic surgeon or sports medicine expert then? Thanks for the info btw. now i know what it is :)

I have to say i have never come across that before but I have never done orthopaedic since I qualified. I am an obstetrician and gynaecologist. :yawn:

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SLAP stands for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior lesion.

it is essentially a cartilage defect +/- detachment of the biceps muscle.

Its diagnosed after an MRI or shoulder arthroscopy and clinical examination is only suggestive. I wouldn't label your shoulder with a SLAP lesion prior to those tests.

good luck



Thanks mate... I had an arthroscopy today (bloody sore) lol aswell as 2 mri scans................. one before and one after the fluid was injected. So i am meeting with the specialist tomoz as he will have the results :thumbs:

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SLAP stands for Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior lesion.

it is essentially a cartilage defect +/- detachment of the biceps muscle.

Its diagnosed after an MRI or shoulder arthroscopy and clinical examination is only suggestive. I wouldn't label your shoulder with a SLAP lesion prior to those tests.

good luck



Thanks mate... I had an arthroscopy today (bloody sore) lol aswell as 2 mri scans................. one before and one after the fluid was injected. So i am meeting with the specialist tomoz as he will have the results :thumbs:


Keep us posted m8.... As you know i am a dentist so although i know bits id rather not say a thing as i may not be accurate...had a rotator cuff injury on the left shoulder tho...and it took years to feel perfect again...i still remember the pain so i am feeling for you!!!


Hope you get well soon!!! :console:

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yes mate. an orthopod as you guys call us. no worries about the info.





the shoulder will ease off as the body absorbs the fluids injected during the arthroscopy so stop being a baby :lol::lol:


best of luck and hope the arthroscopy and MRI both come back negative

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Maybe this is a way of trying to get someone to carry his suitcase on and off the plane to Auz. :p




I had never thought about this.... great idea bronzee, i will let the the gf do all the heavy lifting and i will just excercise my arm by lifting a few cans of beers to my mouth :clap::yahoo:

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