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Your top 5 Iphone apps

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Does it have an app like the one I have in my van??

It does actually, lol


Spirit level, ruler and some other bits all in one app


How big does it extend to............. :lol:


My tape measure calculator is solar powered and cost me a whole £1 from the pound shop! no battery to recharge every 5 minutes! Of course I can never find it when I need it! :doh:

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iMobsters - Also addicted to this 24/7 RPG game!

iFooty Plus - follow your team, it messages you goal updates from all your teams games using the BBC commentary and itonly costs £1.19, bargain!

AroundMe - Great for finding restaurants, shops etc.

FlickCricket - pretty self-explanatory!

PocketDyno - Not tried it yet but apparently it times your cars 0-60 etc, be interested to see how good it is!

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  • 3 months later...

i was messing about on an iphone of my mates the other night - he had the top gear cool wall which was ok and something called Fit or Fugly - you take a pic of someone's face and it tells you if they're fit or fugly! :lol:

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are you all aware you can watch live freeview tv (in wifi area)?


On your phone go to htt[://iphone.tvcatchup.com


You have to register but its free, and is perfect!! I can watch Jeremy Kyle live at work in the mornings :blush:


Im trying now but its not letting me sign in...... I love watching the chavsters on Jk :thumbs:

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