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Latest Satnav version.


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Feb 09 and the discs are out of date!? Shocking!


Hmm in that case wonder if that could be argued with the dealer, I imagine if you look at the discs it'll tell you the year they're from? I'm not sure how often update discs are issued, or even if there is a more up to date one, but when I've looked myself and through experience with my old Pioneer one - they're not cheap!


Begs the question... if there are newer ones, will a copied disc work? And does anyone on here have one to copy you?


Anyway good luck mate :thumbs: , I myself can't be @rsed with it as I don't use it too often

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  • 3 weeks later...
  helimeddaz said:


Thanks for that, but I still need to know what the latest version is and can we get a copy of it to redistrubute...er so to speak. :teeth:



You may wish to have a look over at gpsunderground.com, maybe starting with the Nissan/Renault thread B)

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