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Advice to rectify Servicing Intervals


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Just to clarify, I know and understand the servicing intervals but wanted to see what peoples opinions were on what service to do next.


I'm particuarly interested in people's opinion as if they were buying the car. I'm not planning to sell for a couple of years but figured its a worthwhile exercise.


So heres the details:


2006 56 GT Coupe, First Reg 14/10/2006. Car currently has 31,000miles.


Its had 2 services previously:


06/02/08 @ 13,076


10/01/09 @ 23426



So like I said, they really buggered up the servicing intervals and I want to set them as right as possible from now on.


Im basically deciding on whether to get a P1 or a P3. Age wise the P1 is the obvious choice, but with 36,000 getting closer and the previous history is it worth while for the future? My Nissan dealer advised a P1, but like I said, wanted to see what the Zedder's opinion was, especially from a buyer's perspective. My logic is that if someone can see the car has been proper and meticuously maintained in the current ownership the previous sloppiness is less of an issue.


And before anyone might ask, the car and it's price outweighed the sloppy servicing intervals, I just want to do what I can now to rectify that.


Thanks if you have read this far, I look forward to people's thoughts!

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You don't say what services the first two were. If they were P1 and then P2, it's not that far off schedule (yes, mileage is a little high for the first two, but it is only just coming on three years old). I'd just go with the P1 for now and then get the P3 (or another P2 as they are the same just cheaper) at around 38,000 miles which will put you more or less back on track.

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Mine was similar when I got it although a little older and a few less K miles.

Basically I went for the P3 service and had the coolant flushed and changed the plugs myself.

Some will say its overkill but now i know all is fresh and new and has been thoroughly checked over.

Service and sparks was less than £400 so its value for money I reckon :)


For me it was all about piece of mind...

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its only the first one thats really out by 4000 miles, the second service is out by 1000 miles


if it was a high miler then maybe go all out service.


but most of why we service out cars every 9000 miles is to change the oil thats all.


if all the services after that are spot on, no ones going to worry about the first 2 services.




my trick also in my owner ship is to document everything. i keep a spreadsheet with receipts to back it up for every little thing i do, from changing a bulb, to having it serviced. i register the date it was done, the milage at the time, what was done and why.


i found when i sell up its a big confidence seller as the person can read it like a book everything done to the car. and it puts there mind at rest.


i did it on my 306 gti as the previous owner had done it, but never did it to the mr2 or civic. but am doing it again with the Zed.

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I get services done regularly, and well within the service interval periods. Had 3 P3's already and the car's just done 56k. I like to know everything's in order, and would rather pay to have my noise paranoia's quashed. Car always seems to drive better after a mechanic has had his mits on it :)

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I'd just get a basic service done this time, and next time go for a bigger one when its 4 years old

edit: just read the last post properly.. thats what you've done! :lol:



  jerry3167 said:
Nice write up!! :thumbs:


I do the same with my Zed especially OIL CHANGES! I change every 3K miles and always put mileage record when done.

It goes a long way In saying how looked after your car is!!


at that rate I'd do about 7 oil changes a year! :scare:

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if you've go tdecent oil in then you should only need to do it every 9000 miles, that why we have the short intervals. most normal cars go 20,000 before a service.


doing them at 3k with silkolene is just a waste of oil as the stuff your removing isn't even worn in yet.


i could possibly understand oil changing regularly if you tracked your car every other weekend but as a daily driver i personally think its over kill, especially when 5 litres of silkolene is about £55, thats over £160 in oil a year.

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  jerry3167 said:
Most of my journeys are short, and thus very stressful to the engine, plus once its been in my Zed it goes to my friend for him to use in his car ;)

But thats just me.


At the price I get, I could change once every 3 months :thumbs:


fairplay, wasn't picking on you for it, just felt for me that its not very economical oil wise. but if your mate reuses it then i suppose thats recycling for the environment covered :thumbs: i do lots of short jouneys too but i'm just a tight git i suppose ;)


just have to look at our service intervals, technically we service our cars every 18,000 miles with the p2 and p3 being full services. the intermediary p1's are just an oil change.


so technically we service our cars every 18,000 with oil changes every 9000,


what ever makes you happy jerry ;)

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  jerry3167 said:
  rtbiscuit said:

what ever makes you happy jerry ;)


Cheers matey!

Sorry I forgot to mention that Im an enthusiast, maybe a little too much but one nonetheless :lol:


hey better a car thats been over cared for than one thats under cared for :thumbs:


:#1: goes to jerry for meticulious service intervals :thumbs:

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