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This is bad, right?


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My older Sister used to have a VW Golf and she never checked the oil or serviced the car. One day she was driving back home, oil light came on, trail of smoke out the exhaust and engine was making a noise like a 1960's tractor. When she did finally limp it back home my old man laid into her big time !!! "What did you do when the engine started making that noise" !!! ? Sister: " Turned the stereo up and kept driving".... :scare:


I guess im just trying to say there are plenty of people who are not great when it comes to running cars (umm my sister for one), I was only young at the time but I rememberer this vividly and always check my oil because of this memory.... Im kinda guessing that you will too now after this post so hopefully your Zed is ok and you will have learnt something.... Just remember if your Zed sounds like a tractor FFS don't turn up the chuffing radio ;)

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  geraghtyr200 said:
My older Sister used to have a VW Golf and she never checked the oil or serviced the car. One day she was driving back home, oil light came on, trail of smoke out the exhaust and engine was making a noise like a 1960's tractor. When she did finally limp it back home my old man laid into her big time !!! "What did you do when the engine started making that noise" !!! ? Sister: " Turned the stereo up and kept driving".... :scare:


I guess im just trying to say there are plenty of people who are not great when it comes to running cars (umm my sister for one), I was only young at the time but I rememberer this vividly and always check my oil because of this memory.... Im kinda guessing that you will too now after this post so hopefully your Zed is ok and you will have learnt something.... Just remember if your Zed sounds like a tractor FFS don't turn up the chuffing radio ;)



Oh, just bought a second hand car. One lady owner....... Not always such a good thing. Especially when she has a teenage son thats been thrashing the nuts off it!

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  Stew said:
  geraghtyr200 said:
My older Sister used to have a VW Golf and she never checked the oil or serviced the car. One day she was driving back home, oil light came on, trail of smoke out the exhaust and engine was making a noise like a 1960's tractor. When she did finally limp it back home my old man laid into her big time !!! "What did you do when the engine started making that noise" !!! ? Sister: " Turned the stereo up and kept driving".... :scare:


I guess im just trying to say there are plenty of people who are not great when it comes to running cars (umm my sister for one), I was only young at the time but I rememberer this vividly and always check my oil because of this memory.... Im kinda guessing that you will too now after this post so hopefully your Zed is ok and you will have learnt something.... Just remember if your Zed sounds like a tractor FFS don't turn up the chuffing radio ;)



Oh, just bought a second hand car. One lady owner....... Not always such a good thing. Especially when she has a teenage son thats been thrashing the nuts off it!


Has it got a good stereo though ??? :lol::lol::lol:

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M13KYF says the engine needs to be cold to check the oil but doesn't the handbook say you should do it when the engine is warm? I'm a bit paranoid about this - my previous car (6cly BMW) used to drink lots of oil and I just kept pouring it in - but so far my Zed has been quite a modest consumer....but I have been religiously checking it with the engine warm...

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  BulletMagnet said:
  jerry3167 said:
Lets hope your Piston rings arent too fried!! :scare::surrender:

Did you watch The Fast And The Furios 1 last night? :lol::lol::lol:


To be fair, it may be bad but at least his floor won't fall off :dry:


My CTR seemed to drink more oil than petrol sometimes so I usually check weekly when it gets it wash and wax.

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  M13KYF said:
engine needs to be cold and car on level gorund before checking the oil. Don't check it if you just started it up to move it 5 meters. Oil will already be pumped around the engine so give a false reading.



D'you know I always thought that was the case - but reading the manual it states clearly to run the engine to operating temp then let stand to allow oil to drain back into the pan..............so not sure why should run it the let drain......... I've always done cold checks until now

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  jerry3167 said:
  BulletMagnet said:
Has anybody thought of taking a Dremel to the hatched area?

To deepen the grooves a little more so the oil can cling to it better?


Thats a very good idea, I`ll try that on sunday *Looks for dremel*

I can see a new thread in the "Wanted" section already...."Dipstick wanted for '06 Zed"

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