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its difficult when dealing in stereo types but basically likw jay said, its the people who drive them, and yes they tend to do hideous things to them, i try and mod on the track side of life. the idea making it look sportier, and meaner etc. and yes i do see the big metal kits on the boy racer side. i'm not into crazy show cars. but it doesn't always mean that person is a boy racer, some people just have bad taste :lol: (thats going on my perception, which is by no means a marker for the correct standard, because my taste is crap anyway :lol: )


for me (and i saw this on other forums) you know when the boy racers move into a forum as the old txt spk bcomes more noticable. refering to each other as blud, and bruv and describing how they thrashed a ferrari in there smacked out pimp wagon. etc . you get the idea. :lol:


this may class me as a snob, pompous, up my own arse, but to be honest, i'm happy that way, i've done my rough and ready days, and now enjoy the company of like minded interlectuals and friends. :lol:

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its difficult when dealing in stereo types but basically likw jay said, its the people who drive them, and yes they tend to do hideous things to them, i try and mod on the track side of life. the idea making it look sportier, and meaner etc. and yes i do see the big metal kits on the boy racer side. i'm not into crazy show cars. but it doesn't always mean that person is a boy racer, some people just have bad taste :lol: (thats going on my perception, which is by no means a marker for the correct standard, because my taste is crap anyway :lol: )


for me (and i saw this on other forums) you know when the boy racers move into a forum as the old txt spk bcomes more noticable. refering to each other as blud, and bruv and describing how they thrashed a ferrari in there smacked out pimp wagon. etc . you get the idea. :lol:


this may class me as a snob, pompous, up my own arse, but to be honest, i'm happy that way, i've done my rough and ready days, and now enjoy the company of like minded interlectuals and friends. :lol:


Word blud :thumbs:

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Its the people that drive them dude! More idiots are buying the zed thus making them a boy racer in a zed. Which then means the zed will eventually be seen as a boy racer car................. ok?


So your generalizing the Zed cos there's some people that drive stupidly and put daft bodykits that are not to everyones taste..


Yeah I get it now - thanks


....................ok. :nono:

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Its the people that drive them dude! More idiots are buying the zed thus making them a boy racer in a zed. Which then means the zed will eventually be seen as a boy racer car................. ok?


So your generalizing the Zed cos there's some people that drive stupidly and put daft bodykits that are not to everyones taste..


Yeah I get it now - thanks


....................ok. :nono:



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Guys chill the f out :surrender: ............. each one to their own............live & let live..........can't think of any more cliches........but modding is a very personal thing there is no accounting for personal taste :bangin:

However, one thing is for sure 'txt speak' is zero indication of 'chaviness' - merely a shortcut to expression

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I must be misunderstanding something here


Can someone define what a boy racer is ???


Majority on here mod cars and go to meets right ? Thats fine


So what we are saying is that when the cars become a lot cheaper ie less than 10k then they turn into boy racer cars....


Might be on my own but I think that's a bit sad, hypocritical and up your own bottom


Boy racer = Max Power.


I fully agree with what Rich said.


Basically, i'd consider myself an educated, middle class person - but when i see scrotes that i went to school with 'off the estate' in similar cars, it makes me want to move on. Most of them round here seem to have Supra's or e46 325's - so not quite zed territory yet... but as soon as they upgrade, im off!

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Guys chill the f out :surrender: ............. each one to their own............live & let live..........can't think of any more cliches........but modding is a very personal thing there is no accounting for personal taste :bangin:

However, one thing is for sure 'txt speak' is zero indication of 'chaviness' - merely a shortcut to expression


Totally agree with you vik :thumbs:


It's a taste thing


Jay if you got your 911 or whatever and some people on a forum had put a body kit on that wasn't to your taste and their writing was not in the queens English would it be time to sell your chavvy Porsche ?????


That's why I think the whole chavvy aspect of this thread is sad. It's up to you guys if you want to let what other people are doing to there zeds upset your image behind the wheel...


I love my zed and it doesn't affect me one bit what other people want to do to there's

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As i have already stated...... to me its not about the body kit etc as i have a kit on my zed! Its about the people driving them.... i dont think you will get many chavs in a porsche. Its simply because the zed is now cheaper compared to what it used to be... so if say i was driving my 911 and then loads of chavs started driving them and acted like idiots in them.... then yes i would get rid of the 911. But again i dont really see that happening

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Guys chill the f out :surrender: ............. each one to their own............live & let live..........can't think of any more cliches........but modding is a very personal thing there is no accounting for personal taste :bangin:

However, one thing is for sure 'txt speak' is zero indication of 'chaviness' - merely a shortcut to expression


i'm sorry but text speak is just lazy, i text people and i still use all the letters. i suppose i hate it more than most as i'm a teacher.


my other pet hate is wanna be gangsters, or gangsta, as they say. what make sit funny is i work in woodbridge, and the kids come from a pretty affluent area or are farm kids. so basically as gangster as a tellie tubby

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As i have already stated...... to me its not about the body kit etc as i have a kit on my zed! Its about the people driving them.... i dont think you will get many chavs in a porsche. Its simply because the zed is now cheaper compared to what it used to be... so if say i was driving my 911 and then loads of chavs started driving them and acted like idiots in them.... then yes i would get rid of the 911. But again i dont really see that happening



lol :lol: entering a whole new field of stero typing here. :lol: see chavs will never get into a porsche, but thats not the issue. for me most porsche drivers are "t0$$ers" and hence why i'd never have one. people even seem to deliberatly key them as well, its even got its own name at the dealerships and in the owners club as a "porsche paint job" otherwise known as keyed to buggery. they are great machines but not the image i'd go for or the automotive and engineering direction i'd take.


i wish alfa would make a new version of the GTV, now that would be a smart car :cloud9:

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I had a CTR, but CTRs have become affordable to the baseball cap wearing brigade, so I sold up, and moved into the Zed, Now Im looking for a nice 2nd had Cayman S ;)

Its a shame when such track pedegree lands in the hands of chavs! :surrender:


One way or the other, the Zed is becoming more "common" if not chav. Its cheap enough to mod heavily now, and IMO (my opinion only) that does detract from the Zeds image when not tastefully done, which unfortunately we are seeing more of now. What a lot of newer members forget is that not so long ago, this was a £30k sports GT, which wasnt modded that much because it was so expensive. Now people buy them with the sole intention to make them into a modded show car. To me thats when I wonder if its time for a 370z or a Cayman.

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Boy racer (chav) doesn't have the money to run such a car let alone pay for the insurance and tax!!!


Assuming they get insurance and tax ;)


Maybe the Zed becoming more affordable will bring in new blood with money for mods, which will in turn make mods cheaper :teeth: For example, would RS Tuning / Abbey MS have bothered trying the flash the stock ECU if there wasn't the potential for demand? 12 months ago it wasn't worth doing, and it would cost £1500 for us to get the Haltech etc, but now it's £500 :thumbs:

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Guys chill the f out :surrender: ............. each one to their own............live & let live..........can't think of any more cliches........but modding is a very personal thing there is no accounting for personal taste :bangin:

However, one thing is for sure 'txt speak' is zero indication of 'chaviness' - merely a shortcut to expression


i'm sorry but text speak is just lazy, i text people and i still use all the letters. i suppose i hate it more than most as i'm a teacher.


my other pet hate is wanna be gangsters, or gangsta, as they say. what make sit funny is i work in woodbridge, and the kids come from a pretty affluent area or are farm kids. so basically as gangster as a tellie tubby


I'm quite sad to see such comments from a professional who has the opportunity to communicate effectively with young people! :dry: Its not lazy - its just another evolution in language and it will not go away.


Txt speak has been used in several education settings in the UK over recent years and has shown significant impact when used in multi-media projects within deprived areas.

I can completely understand the worry about dumbing down -and even I have problems with 'gangsta speak' but if it helps to get young people to participate within their community and I'm all for it.


However Rich - I completely agree with your observations on the 'tellie tubbies' :lol: - its funny to watch middle class kids acting out sometimes - but hey they soon wake up when they hit the real world ;)

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Just a little thought on the whole chavvy boy racer thing...


A lot of the posts I have read from people selling up is due to change in circumstances ie jobs, can't afford the running costs or need more seats, not many have said they are selling cos they are cheaper to mod.


Yeah mods are cheaper... Chris it's a fact of life mate. I bought a 50" plasma tv a couple of years ago for £2k, that same tv is being advertised for £500 now !!! But I ain't selling it just because some baseball wearing guy in a council house can afford one now.


But, on the flipside I will probably upgrade the tv when some new fancy tv with 3d viewing or something comes out

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don't worry vik my subject tends to lead me to work with the lower end of the ability range, as its a subject they pick, and i suppose i'm lucky that my students distinguish between appropriate times for using that language. we can't encourage it in schools as the exam board doesn't mark it.

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Been watching this thread now for a while..........


Ok from my own perspective.......


Lets try not to make wide generalisations about people in baseball caps who drive Vauxhall Corsas for example!


Think we are all agree Chavs of any kind (these can also be high flying businessmen in top end Beemers remember!!) people who exibit low levels of respect for anybody let alone themselves!


The 350Z is an odd car it does'nt have the right badge especially in this country - which is good in one way as people tend to leave them alone but the people who appreciate cars know how good they are.


We have noticed an influx of new people to the forum and this just shows how good a job the mods have done of this club and also the friendly and respectful nature of the people on the forum. Ok sometimes an odd muppet turns up but well they are everywhere aren't they I mean look at the telly ! :blackeye: But just because your young and have £10K in your back pocket does'nt mean your going to automatcially dilute the Brand or club - the club will maintain high standard as it has continued to do so. The club will die if no new people come along like any club, think of the larger meets we will have! :lol:


I understand and also worry about the idiots you sometimes see driving Zeds (people who just see it as a way of attracting attention to themselves) and not the bigger picture of the enjoyment that comes from owning one and meeting up with you lot and also like me logging on here every day to see how things are etc - if I just owned the car on its own - yes it would put a smile on my face but as I have mentioned on many occasions the car is made better by being part of this club and the top people that frequent it - its the club that will maintain standards and ensure that muppets dont spoil the fun for the rest of us. Even if its time to sell my Zed I will still belong to the club and still have my 350Z sticker in the van ! B)


One last thing - dont let Chavs of any kind harrass you just continue to drive as normal in a safe manner - dont race them - just ignore them - its the attention they crave remember why feed it! :thumbs:

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I agree about the young thing stan as i was 21 when i got the zed and some people where younger than me. But realisticly only a few younger people could own the zed back then......... but because prices has dropped it attracts more younger folk who will be boy racers, its just a fact. Thats why insurance is so bloody high as young males think they are bloody f1 drivers and end up crashing their cars. I mean i think we have heard of 2 people wrecking their car within the first month on here of late.




I couldnt agrree more about the club. It is a fantastic club and the people on here are great and even when i do move on, i will still belong to this community even if people wish i wasnt :lol::blush:

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Booooo to Stan being all sensible and reasonable - let's all have a punch up :lol::boxing:


I like threads like this, reasoned debates and differing expressions of opinions. Show's we're not chavs :)


Your right Chris its good to see reasoned debate on here and see other peoples views and how their backgrounds and experiences have formed their opinions on life stuff!


Dont think there are any chavs on here - they would'nt know how to type for a start or bovver! :headhurt:


Damn I am getting old and hippy man - wish I still had my Splittie camper van :lol::doh:

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Guys chill the f out :surrender: ............. each one to their own............live & let live..........can't think of any more cliches........but modding is a very personal thing there is no accounting for personal taste :bangin:

However, one thing is for sure 'txt speak' is zero indication of 'chaviness' - merely a shortcut to expression


i'm sorry but text speak is just lazy, i text people and i still use all the letters. i suppose i hate it more than most as i'm a teacher.


my other pet hate is wanna be gangsters, or gangsta, as they say. what make sit funny is i work in woodbridge, and the kids come from a pretty affluent area or are farm kids. so basically as gangster as a tellie tubby


I'm quite sad to see such comments from a professional who has the opportunity to communicate effectively with young people! :dry: Its not lazy - its just another evolution in language and it will not go away.


Txt speak has been used in several education settings in the UK over recent years and has shown significant impact when used in multi-media projects within deprived areas.


sorry Viks just been in the shower and it had me thinking, i agree with what you said about it accessing lower ability students, but we should still be encouraging them to use proper english, how many hi end businesses would put up with emails to clients form someone using txt spk. i agree it won't go away, and it is a new form of communication. but its not a valid form in the world of business, and thats what we're menat to be setting them up with. Also as a dislexic life is hard enough with words sprelt the right way, let alone the ones spelt wrong, and the aim is also not to confuse kids.


the biggest thing you said was you were saddened by my proffessional view, i don't mind that and undewrstand why. i suppose when i type stuff on a forum, i have a habit of making generalised statements. thats my bad i suppose ;)


for me teaching is one of those proffessions that everybody thinks they know better, it kind of makes me chuckle, people down the pub telling me what i should do. etc, you don't get the same public intervention if your a lawyer, the bloke in the docks telling his solicitor, you should have done this or that etc. but i suppose its something you get used to. :teeth:

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I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but maybe we are selling up because when we bought the Zed they were viewed as "expensive" rare cars but now the have been about for 7 years and early models can be picked up for <£10k they are coming into "boy racer" territory.

Nah, don't agree, bud. Young chavy boy racers couldn't generally afford or find the insurance me thinks (or hope)!


I also think due to the rareness of the Zed not many 'youngens' will think about one when they have the money to buy. Those with the money will go the way of the Scooby and Evo. I think the Zed will slip into the classic catagory quitely and generally miss the chav era. You never saw the 280 as being hammered around by the late 70's and 80's equivilent, it was always Capris, RS Turbos, Renault 5 GT Turbos, etc etc.

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don't worry vik my subject tends to lead me to work with the lower end of the ability range, as its a subject they pick, and i suppose i'm lucky that my students distinguish between appropriate times for using that language. we can't encourage it in schools as the exam board doesn't mark it.


Rich - check this out..........Scotland always was light years ahead of England in terms of education ;):lol:




PS you were thinking in the shower mate?...........men can't do two things at once! :lol:

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