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Having been suffering some time from a Slippery Rear End - Quick Nurse the screens !!!

I decided to buy a pair of Falken 452's


After a lot of time searching for the best deal on the Web, I visited a garage about 4 miles away who was one of those who fit the tyres ordered on-line and then delivered to them.


They could get the Falkens by the next day, however, the calculator clicked, and the price just kept going up. They added VAT, fitting charge etc and came up with £300. This was quite a bit higher than my searches on the Web had indicated. I said that I could get them cheaper, to which the man replied, OK well do that.


So I was back to square one, more searching... Gloom & Doom


On my way home more in desperation than hope I called into the garage in our small town.

We use it for servicing, but I had not really thought of them for other than run of the mill tyres.


Yes Sir, we can get Falken 452's in two days.

How much please ?

All in VAT, balanced etc... £250 !


I have just had the tyres fitted, watched them do it, they really took care.

I am well pleased.


So it's worth considering shopping local.


The garage ?

Pikesley's - Woburn Sands, Bucks



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Nice one mate, and yes always shop around, not just on the net. I got 4 Falkens, fitted and balanced for £450 using a combo of Camskill and TGM Sport. I have just found out that my local wheel repair place can (if you are a loyal customer) supply and fit tyres, so will be trying them next time as they always look after my wheels (and car when they used to run ChipsAway) really well.

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I am also lucky enough to have a great local garage which can get next day tyres very cheaply ( which is very lucky :lol: ). They take great care with the alloys and also will do a wheel swap for a tenner. They mot the car at discount rate and do all the services at prices Nissan couldnt dream of.


They have also got used to me turning up with my own oil, pads and god knows what.


The other great thing is that if he doesnt know, he will say so. :D

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