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Newbie saying hello and some question for you ?

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Hello folks been lurking on the forum for a while but never posted up - thought I would say hello! :)



I've got a 1989 Neeeesan Micra but have decided to think about getting a 350Z recently but dont know which to get can you please advise?




I have heard that you can get them with a hard roof and also one with a very big sunroof - can you please tell me the difference?


Someone told me the owners with the big sunroof generally have very good skills styling hair for people whilst the hard roof people have big hairy chests and drink cold tea and eat yesterdays curry whilst watching Jeremy Kyle in the morning?


Should I buy the import Fairlady ones (are they for women only?) is there a Fairman version ? Or should I get the ones they make here in the UK called 350Z?


It appears that you need to change the aerial on them from the standard ones as its not very good? What are these replacements called and where can I buy them, I think they are short and stubbie or something?


I currently have an 8 track player in my Micra and wanted to transfer it to the 350 when I buy it to play my Demis Roussos tapes - is there a connection already provided?


Presently I use Fate tyres on my Micra will they also be good on the 350 when they need replacing?


Does the 350Z manage 45+mpg like my Micra?


If I trade in the Micra for the 350 will the dealers give me a good price for it?


This other car called the 370Z is that any good? Do you think it will be as good as my Micra?


Will they still make 350Z's as well as the 370Z?


Since I still have my Micra would it be ok to join you forum members on the Hoon run in Scotlandville next week please?

I know its not the 350 but if I stay in 3rd gear I will be able to keep up with you?

I understand the club is based in Aberdeen since thats where the UK 350Z is manufactured for the rest of the country is this true?


I was also thinking of setting up my own club within your club for ex Micra owners to help them transfer over to the new way of driving (i.e. fast!)


Would the club mind if I can just borrow your server, network and fan base please?


Can anyone tell me about buying some nice wax and cleaning solution? Presently I use Fairy liquid to clean it and Mr Sheen to impart a nice wax finish.


I have read that some people put an entertainment system in the centre console area - can you please tell me the size of screen that will fit there? I have a Phillips 32" screen at home is this size suitable? Will it take SCART leads in the 350?



Well thank you for your time and I look forward to your replies - this is a really cool site and your all very friendly and nuts! I cant wait to get my 350/ Fairman Zed :D





Stan the Micra Man

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  sally said:
Morning Stan!


Glad to see someone is enjoying their friday at work!


Thanks Sally - gotta keep you lot awake - whilst trying to keep myself from nodding at the keyboard! ;)




This is an old picture of me at the keyboard before my op :blush:

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  geraghtyr200 said:
Way too much time on your hands buddy !!!! :tumbleweed:


Nice Micra though :lol::lol:



thats the problem I dont have much time on my hands - have to jump on here once in a while to keep my sanity!



do you want to borrow my Demis Roussos tape :lol: (look it up..... younger viewers!) :headhurt:


Zedrush you make me look normal !! ;) 6 keys at once eh - wow that must be a geek record! :disguise:

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  stanski said:
  sally said:
Morning Stan!


Glad to see someone is enjoying their friday at work!


Thanks Sally - gotta keep you lot awake - whilst trying to keep myself from nodding at the keyboard! ;)




This is an old picture of me at the keyboard before my op :blush:


I knew it :yuck:

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  Harman350z said:
:bangin:.... it actually sounded like you had no idea at all.. Honestly i think you should of created a new account just for that one post, just to see the replys haha.. :clap: :clap:



It did cross my mind to be honest! :lol:



This is an old picture of me at the keyboard before my op


And which cheeky monkey edited my picture !! :boxing::lol:

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