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Gordon Brown Resigns


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At last Gordon Brown has decided to resign. His cabinet colleagues decided it would be a worthy gesture to name a railway locomotive after him. A Senior Civil Servant was sent from Whitehall to the National Railway Museum at York to carry out a feasibility study.


“They have a number of locomotives here without names.†A specially-sought consultant informs the civil Servant. “Most are freight locomotives though.â€


The Civil Servant considers this, “Oh dear. That’s not very fitting for a prime minister. How about that big green one over there?†and he indicates no 4472.


That one already has a name.†says the consultant, “It’s called The Flying Scotsman.â€


Not to be phased the civil servant says, “Well couldn’t it be re-named? This is the National Railway Museum and it is after all funded by the taxpayer.â€


“I suppose it might be considered.†Says the consultant. “There are precedents. LNER renamed a number of locomotives after directors of the company and even one was called Dwight D Eisenhower.â€


“Excellent.†Says the Senior Civil Servant, “That’s settled then, we’ll rename 4472. But how much will it all cost. We can’t spend too much given the Expenses Scandal.â€


“Well,†says the consultant, “we could always just paint out the F.â€

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