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Off Topic Urgent Help - Memory Foam Mattress?


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Hey all,


odd request here... but does anyone know anything about memory foam mattresses?


I've got a really bad back - i had surgery last year on it for crushed disks - and it went again this weekend and i cant walk for more than 2 mins at a time right now! Im working from home and have been lay flat on the sofa since Saturday!


Anyway, i blame my mattress for it - we got a new bed just under 2 years ago, and all my problems started about 6 weeks after that!


Until recently i didnt think the two were related, but i slept at my mums house (not on a memory foam mattress) and it was so comfortable - i woke up the next day without any pain at all!


Sooo, in TJ hughues near me they have an offer on this week of Silent Night Memory foam mattresses in KingSize, for £260! Seems like a bargain to me, but can anyone tell me if they're any good or not? Are they firm/soft? Do you get hot in them etc etc?


I think im gonna get taken down at lunch time and buy one, cos i cant take the pain anymore!!!!

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I stayed in a hotel in Miami about 3 or 4 years ago with a Tempur mattress. Came home and ordered one as it was so comfy


They are comfortable, I do get quite hot though.


At £260 it's worth a bung for a chance of living pain free in my opinion though!

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Tempur seem to be the ones to go for, but did notice that they now sell a memory foam type in Ikea.


If you have had surgury, it may be an idea to speak to your Chiropractor. I know when I had issues they recommended a matress by hypnos not the memory one as that was a little soft (think they do others) but Tempur may do different levels of hardness... Still got the matress and it is as firm today as it was when I bought it.


When I had my back problems memory foam was only just coming to the market.

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i have a silentnight memory foam matress and also have a very bad back though by the sounds not as bad as yours, golfing injury when i was a nipper...


i brought it about 4 years ago and was the best thing i did, doesnt get to warm but i have a window next to the bed so...


i reckon i will buy another one later this year or early next year for the purpose of lifespan...

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Hmmm... useful responses guys.


Stew - the only drawback of taking a punt on it is if it doesnt turn out to be any better. i wouldnt have thought i'd be able to sell it afterwards - as people dot buy used mattresses!


Mark - I see what you're saying... thats probably the best advice - just not what i wanted to hear :lol: I'll try to do some more research before i buy


MrLizard - thats the good news i wanted to hear! Best purchase ever sounds good to me!!

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i used to suffer from really bad insomnia as well which i suspect was partly due to my back, im quite tall so i went for a super king one, it helped a lot from what i had before but maybe something else would be better? ive never tried one of the mattresses mentioned above

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we have a really good mattress at home, wasn't cheap from what i remember. its got a memory foam top to it, but it also has indivual sprung coil packs.


it means i can jump up and down on my side and it doesn't really move the wife. (very good as i always go to bed later than her) its firm but supportive and is designed to support the back and body on all the major contact points. and it is very comfy. if your interested ill go upstairs and have a look at the make.

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Chris do you have a costco card ? they have mattresses in frequently and are excellent price. they will refund if you don't want it?


failing that if you need me to bob down in the van to help you get one home pm me .... zeds not the most practical !!!!

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Rich - yeh if you can let me know what make yours is please... it'll give you something to do on your summer holiday!


Beavis, hypnos sounds good, i'll have a look for them tonight.


Stan - much appreciated pal! I think i'll get one with delivery but cheers for the offer. As for Costco im not sure - i want to get one from a propper bed specialist to be certain im getting something good... i bought my new bed from an independant store and got crap service, and it ended up being a complete duffer - so i want a reputation with a new one!


Im going to 'Dreams' in stockport tonight to have a mooch round!

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Arighi Bianchi have a sale on Tempur Mattresses. In your neck of the woods to.




Cheers Mike. Arighi's is about half a mile from my house... hadn't thought of going there. That said, £800 is a bit more than i want to spend, and they have a 4-6 week delivery wait... :dry:

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  • 3 months later...

minor thread revival...


I finally got round to buying a mattress today from Dreams - you know - the one with the 50% off sale. Its all a con - they're all the same price they were when i checked in August!


Anyway, got a fairly good one - 1200 pocket springs and a memory foam top, but it was £885 incl delivery :headhurt: That was painful... :dummy:


Will hopefully sort my back out though. :wheelchair:

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The memory foam mattresses can be quite good. Quite comfortable. I know here they also do a variation of memory foam in some of the hospital beds, good for ones with bad backs or having to be flat for a long period after recuperating from surgery.

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