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Silence on the spam front


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To the relief of probably most of you ive been quiet of late :ninja:

Unfortunately im stuck on nightshift building cars for 2 weeks... :wacko: for "experience" and "fun" :headhurt: so ive had very little time on the forum recently as im not at a comp during the day, as well as being distracted by talkative freinds at night :gathering:


anyhow. im still alive and ill be along to the meets as promised :)


fortunately ive had a little forum catch up tonight as we ran out of something so build has paused. :teeth:


nightshift + production line = EVIL :evil: :lol:


EDIT: no i have no idea why i created a new thread for this. its half three in the morning, cut me some slack

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And you posted to help me at that ungodly hour - you rock :)

:lol: well eventually you have to start making your own fun when youve read everything. :blush:


Typical , I go away on holiday for a week looking forward to avoiding all of Husky's spam only to find out he hasn't been on during that time !!


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oh dear, suppose youve got to laugh about it. i can see mike's point, hes a wise man, labelling me spam cannon would just be down right unfair ;) ive never spammed in my puff :lol:



Spammed in my puff ??????? :blink:



complete incorrect usage im sure but ive always used it so i will continue :p

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