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Meet Nismo and De


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Thanks for all the suggestions in the other thread, we decided on some second hand rescue cats that were on there way to the rescue centre, went and collected them from some scummy council house, 22 yr old mother of 3 kids, multiple cats/rabbits/dogs, house was filthy, we were greeted by a "ive given up cleaning" and oh my god could you tell, i suspected we were going to spend 5 minutes deciding but having watched the kids pick the cats up by their head whilst walking through the door i said yes immediatly and took them,


De is quite scared still but getting better, nismo isnt really sure whats going on but seems happy, current favourite toy is a radio controlled mouse and a pingpong ball!










Hope you like :thumbs:

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indeed! suspect that will be all over the house :)


they are being spoilt, the mrs has gone home for half the day to look after them and has brought them yet more toys...


tho bed still appears to be under the sofa rather than the nice warm quilted basket thing we got them... :lol:

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They will be scared for a little bit. Mine still HATE kids and came from a similar background. Everytime i look at them snuggled in their radiator hammocks or outside roaming about in the countryside, letting themsleves in and out the cat flap and stuffing their faces I think, you don't know how lucky you are! It could have been so different.............Glad you rescued them! :thumbs:

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it was a litter of 9, im glad there were only 2 left because im not sure i could of left any in there to suffer... :(


still all good now :thumbs:


anxious about letting them out, shall see how inquisitive they are when they are about 6 months and make a decision then, we have changed our front door to allow a cat flap etc so if they want out then they shall have it :)

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Probably a good idea to contain them in the kitchen when you're not around to start off with. Once they decide what they are gonna scratch they will keep going back to it. Mine do that outside on the fence.

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