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I always get consoles when they are released, I remember the bother I had to go to so I could get a 360 on release night.


Then only decided to get a PS3 on the day it was going to be released that midnight so thought I would have no chance, went into Glasgow and stood outside Gamestation and got one no problem.


Got a Wii which just sits gathering dust, got a PSP, a DS, got the missus a DSi.


I moved the PS3 into the bedroom so we could watch bluray movies and watch tv catchup in bed.


My original launch day 360 got the three red lights about 3 months ago, was waiting for this so I could buy and elite as the original 20GB drive was doing my box in, and also getting the HDMI connection is a godsend. It's also a million times quieter than the launch 360.


I prefer the 360 to the PS3, downloading is miles faster, installing items is miles faster and games tend to be better when they are available on both formats.


Suppose that might change in time as they only now seem to be getting to grips with the PS3.

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It may seem daft but I really like the heavy chunky 360 controllers and hate the light flimsy PS3 controllers, makes a massive difference to me..........


I actually agree with you on this sarnie I find the new PS3 controllers especially light and flimsy, its doesn't feel right. Big chunky controllers are the way forward!



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i can't wait for forza 3, have been spending the last week or 2 of my holiday trying to fully complete forza 2 ready for the release of 3.


got stuck on arcade last night one race left which is the time trial at the nurbergring (can't spell it) last one on the list. have to do it in 7.09 had one go last night and i need to shave 25 sec off to beat it. :lol:


as for the career mode, just got to level 40, nearly completed all races to that level. got to get to level 50 to complete it and buy all cars. :lol:

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i can't wait for forza 3, have been spending the last week or 2 of my holiday trying to fully complete forza 2 ready for the release of 3.


got stuck on arcade last night one race left which is the time trial at the nurbergring (can't spell it) last one on the list. have to do it in 7.09 had one go last night and i need to shave 25 sec off to beat it. :lol:


as for the career mode, just got to level 40, nearly completed all races to that level. got to get to level 50 to complete it and buy all cars. :lol:


so we wont be realistically be having a game i can win any time soon then :ban: i did notice everytime i logged onto msn it said you were playing forza. :lol:

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doesn't mean i'm any good. :lol:
well i may have a little game to get some practice in, buy a proper car rather than some junk heap and then lose to you.


or may get the three red lights ring of doom death destruction and it will go up in a ball of fire never to be seen again!

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Just out of curiosity the RROD didn't appear after installing the dashboard update released about 2 weeks ago did it?


Mine and another blokes in the office both got RROD after installing it. Luckily mine was under the 3 year warranty (actually wasn't, it had expired about 10 days earlier) but still got the free fix and its winging its way back from the warehouse in germany as we speak.


Replacement xbox aswell instead of my own back, don't know if thats a good thing or not as its probably a second hand one (can't imagine it being a spanker).

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Just out of curiosity the RROD didn't appear after installing the dashboard update released about 2 weeks ago did it?


Mine and another blokes in the office both got RROD after installing it. Luckily mine was under the 3 year warranty (actually wasn't, it had expired about 10 days earlier) but still got the free fix and its winging its way back from the warehouse in germany as we speak.


Replacement xbox aswell instead of my own back, don't know if thats a good thing or not as its probably a second hand one (can't imagine it being a spanker).



Nah, just got back from offshore so hadn't updated it yet. Funnily enough it had my girlfriends sex and the city dvd in it so she has been getting the blame for breaking it.



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