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The 350z-uk PET thread!


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After having to take the upsetting decision to have our 13 year old black lab put to sleep at the start of February the wife and i both agreed that the house needed a dog to liven it up again.

Fast forward 6 weeks and we picked up Milo and Louie last night.







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One of our Bengals gave birth to 6 kittens this morning, there are 2 snows, 2 silvers and 2 browns,sex unknown and pictures to follow soon, Weirdest thing though was the lead up to the birth. We'd been expecting the birth for a few days but this morning it was obvious something was up. She had selected a safe place for the kittens and was in there this morning, however, she kept coming up to me and crying, she's normally very quiet. She would then go back into her safe place with me following her but the minute I walked away she would follow me and cry. I eventually got the message that she wanted me to be there while she gave birth so I had to settle down on the carpet next to her for an hour and a half before she began to deliver her kittens.


Everything looks O.K, kittens have been cleaned up by mum and are feeding really well.



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Name: Rafiki

Make: Cat

Model: Moggy, who knows? Rescue cat adopted as a kitten August last year.

Age: Nobody is entirely sure but the suspicion is he will be 1 at the end of May.


Likes: Everything that he isn't supposed to touch. Pouncing anything that moves. Sleeping.

Dislikes: Every child that has ever visited our house.


He likes to think he is clever but my pic suggests otherwise:



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Love, love, love this thread :D


I only check on this page every month or so and it's always bittersweet to read the updates as inevitably some members will have lost their much loved family members as well as members posting pics of their new additions. So sorry to read about the losses on here.


I will get some recent snaps of my lot up soon which of course includes two of Pete's 2015 crop of Bengals!



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23 yr old cat wow - she's doing well - Tabatha - does she do magic by wiggling her nose ?


mine are 15 and looking good and expect them to be with us for a few more years yet

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  On 05/04/2016 at 18:15, WINKJ said:

Meet Tabatha - had her since I was 3, i'm now 26 :)




That's impressive. The longest time I've had a cat is 19 years. We found her in our garden, pregnant and very friendly so presumably she'd been unkindly dumped somewhere close by. On this basis, she was probably a year old, so lived to 20. Most of our cats have lasted between 14 and 17 years which is about normal.



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They're now 10 days old and mum in her wisdom has moved them overnight into the corner of the hall. Probably the darkest place in the house so the photo is not the greatest. Their eyes are now starting to open and they're crawling around a bit too.





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Tabbs is a bit grumpy, moves slowly and has had some of her teeth removed but she is doing great. Tends only to venture outside in the summer, whereas in the winter she can be found asleep over a hot water pipe running under the floor boards. For her age she is a true inspiration to all felines!

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Name: Talula

Nicknames: Lula, Luly

Make: Rabbit

Model: Cross breed female she's 1/4 English lop. She's the size of your average pug!

Age: Turning 2 years old on July 16th 2016


Likes: Food -any food, literally will eat anything from pistachio nuts to walkers prawn cocktail crisps to bread! She loves attention and her ears being massaged.


Dislikes: Being picked up and cuddled😢 never has liked being picked up since I've had her (8 weeks old when I got her) doesn't like me when I get her carry case out -she's not a fan of that thing


She is an indoor Bunny but occasionally goes out with me for walks in her harness ðŸ°




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Stephanie
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  On 14/04/2016 at 17:05, Stephanie said:

Name: Talula

Nicknames: Lula, Luly

Make: Rabbit


Talula looks lovely Steph. ;)


It did make me chuckle though that you wrote "Make: Rabbit". :lol:

Like someone might mistake it for a puppy or kitten.


No offence intended btw, thought it was sweet. :D

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  On 14/04/2016 at 17:14, GMballistic said:
  On 14/04/2016 at 17:05, Stephanie said:

Name: Talula

Nicknames: Lula, Luly

Make: Rabbit


Talula looks lovely Steph. ;)


It did make me chuckle though that you wrote "Make: Rabbit". :lol:

Like someone might mistake it for a puppy or kitten.


No offence intended btw, thought it was sweet. :D


Hahah I just copied the format of the original post where they put 'make' and 'model' etc just a bit of fun 😸

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