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delivery from america, pleh!


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Dude!!! your spam cannon is on fire today......you need time to reload that bad boy!!!


can you tell :lol: im realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly bored and stuck on a desk with only a report to write, wikipedia is dead/blocked, facebook is boring, i refuse to shop around for bits for the car cos i want to save some money, everybody round me in the office is on holiday or getting married so im sitting in the middle of a very quiet, dark and empty room. and did i mention im bored. i dont do well with desks :cry:

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there are people at work that sit on it all day, ive gone on there once to add the work network which i think is acceptable as it is for work networking. but other than that i steer clear, we were warned :scare:

that was quite a funny reply from the girls boss though. :lol:

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My friend worked with someone who was off sick as he had a lower back problem which mean he couldn't remain sat down. He then posted on FB that he was in Canada on holiday.......How long was the flight? did he stand up? He was sacked........... Muppet! :lol:

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ok panic over i have the dials woop!! :yahoo:

oh btw, if you have a lowered Zed and want to get your parcelforce deliveries from the cov hub you have a short walk for your troubles cos they have speed bumps bigger than ive ever seen :scare:


cheers for the help guys :thumbs: turned out they didnt give a fook anyway, turned up unnanounced, guy mumbled, didnt check my id, gave me parcel, took money and walked off. lol

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