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had a really good day yesterday, need some advice!

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hiya guys n girls.


well yesterday was a good day in the grand scheme of things.i mean a really good day i suppose.


first of all it started with me dropping my new bumper off to get painted. got quoted a REALLY good price (its sorta a friend/customer) so i was tres happy :D only needs my car for one day aswell so it doesnt affect my life too much


second thing.. im getting a custom exhaust made up by a company called A.A.S. a very respected company in the north east and beyond and usually has a 7 week waiting list. i popped down yesterday and they had a cancellation and im now booked in to get a very special custom exhaust made up in less than 2 weeks :D jack pot!!!! (pictures to come when it gets done but its gonna look special) they also quoted me a price via e-mail a few days ago and theyve knocked 150 quid off for me for booking 3 cars in at one time. :D:D


right most important thing that happend yesterday and thing im not sure about at all. well heres the story in anyways


some of you may know ive been doing detailing as a hobby for people. ive machined 6 cars now very successfully and all the owners have been happy happy. obviously still a novice in every respect compared to the likes of eclipse,clenz and envy and the rest off the fabulous detailing companies on here. well yesterday

my friend was down at F1 lotus in newcastle. sumhow the topic of me machine polishing came up, the owner of f1 basically said if i leave them business cards or leaflets etc they will hand them out to customers how ask for a full detail as they only really offer valets. now i stress im a novice detailer and im not a company but what should i do?!?! this is a really huge opportunity that i dont want to miss out on but im really not qualified as they sell everything from ferraris to bentleys etc!!! i never thought i would say this but i feel incompetent. what should i do guys!?!??!?!





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personally i would go for it, maybe use the price as method of showing your new in, that way you can explain that you don't change the same as a professional detailer as your more semi proffessional.


but to be honest all detailers have to start somewhere. if you have a good and happy customer base already and you've done a good job, then why not. yes they are more expensive cars, but at the end of the day, all your working on is the paint, and there isn't a huge difference in paint between cars apart from the thickness, and the conent which alters the colour or adds flip paint etc or metal flecks.


if that car company let the apprentices near ferrari's and they were useless its unlikely your going to do any damage.

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Another thing, you only use DA don't you?


Might be worth being competent with a rotary first.



Not being negative, it's a great oportunity but I think if you don't feel ready then you probably aren't. I realise it wouldn't be your main source of income but it's one thing doing your mates cars, it's another doing a strangers Ferrari!

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I think you should come round to mine and practise loads on my car so that you feel better about your detailing!!! :lol:


If its something you really enjoy and would like to take it further then go for it. Some of the best business men in the world weren't experts when they first started up. Business needs people who have the drive to try things and take a little risk every now and again. You don't want to be thinking what if. That said it is your life and your decision. :)

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If you come down to Derby and do mine for me for free then I will give you my opinion... Nah .. seriously sometimes you get opportunities that arise that could open many doors, you have just gotta have the balls to take them... I say go for it, if it doesnt work out least you gave it a shot. It might be worth going ltd and checking out insurance's etc if it turns into a business venture tho - you dont wanna get stung. Just do a few at first on the cheap and explain to the owners your current status.


Look forward to seeing the pics dude :thumbs:

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well i have a partner in crime who i do all this stuff with and hes been nagging me to become an ltd, i agree with him but im not sure how much interest there is for stuff like this.. unfortunately most people in this world are happy with there £5 quid stonewash so i just dont know. yes i have a real passion for it and ive currently got another 5 cars booked in with me for the full works so i dont know. meh!!!


stew yeh i only use a d.a and i know it takes roughly 3X along to achieve the same results but i just dont feel im ready to use a rotary..


what a pickle hahahah but a gooden i suppose



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the best small businesses are built on word of mouth, if you build up a good reputation and have a solid customer base then you'll have a business, especially if its a nice sideline business. its not like your leaving your day job to do this, and if business picks up you could always higher another person to man the shop while your out.


is it a huge expense to go ltd.?

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i say go for it. maybe not this time with ferraris lol but if u got the chance to do something ur passionate about for a living u cant ask for more. id be jealous for one! i dont know the ins and outs of it but if theres courses available get onto them and make loadsa cash doin somethin u enjoy. u could be a trader on here soon lol hat off to u if u make it

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Sounds like a good opportunity for you to show what you are capable of. Just a word about the legal side of things though. I'm not sure of this as I've never been involved in running a service like this, but wouldn't you have to be registered some where and also let the taxman know. You don't want to be shying away from paying that. Like I said I'm not sure and may only be reqd over a certain amount of income. +1 on the insurance though.

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If you are going to start a business first thing to do is register a Name with Companies House, then you will have to let the taxman know, also pay any N.I. contributions owed. Finally unless your are going to turn over more the 30K a year stay away from LTD for now, its just to much hassle, just make sure that you invest in a decent public liability insurance policy and be very specific about what you will need cover for.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Good luck mate

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as everybody says, use protection :thumbs:



...sorry insurance :thumbs:



its a great opportunity, the people with big wallets usually have big balls to go with them, take the risks that others are to scared to take and you cash in where they miss out! :)

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Ho, sounds like a good opportunity. As the others have suggested play (get your confidence up) with a few more run of the mill cars before turning your hand to the very expensive ones. Maybe build yourself a portfolio or before and afters too, so you can show people.


Insurance would be a must.


Use the best quality products and cloths etc that you can. If people are paying for you to detail their car/s, they will expect it to look good. Also it would pay to start reading detailing to see if you can pick up tips. And yes if there are detailing courses/certifications you can do, that would help immensely.

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