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Insurance up from £450 to £2,080 because i claimed


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Seriously this is no joke. Last year I paid £450 for a years insurance with KwikFit which was underwritten by HSBC. In April someone reversed into me and I claimed against them. My insurance paid nothing as it was all claimed from the other party.


Just got my renewal form through today and Kwik Fit have said this...word for word....


"unfortunately your current insurer will no longer cover you for the coming year so we have switched you to another company at the competitive rate of £2,080"


Are they for real? Is this even allowed? Can a company dump me just because I made a claim that wasnt even my fault?


Im fuming :rant:

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I don't understand this at all but i've heard it before. How is a claim against someone else's insurance counted against your own? I just don't get it? Can anyone explain? I have always thought if it was someone else's fault then there's no claim from yourself against your own insurance.

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Seriously, don't worry about it.....


Insurance companies are idiots. Remember this. Or to be more precise, believe that WE are idiots (and unfortunately there are a fair few in Britain! :lol: )


Firstly, anyone who renews based on their renewal quote needs their head reading. I have always got at least 33% off the renewal when going back to these company's websites and plugging my details in from scratch. Not ideal, but it saves the cash.


If you have an accident down on your record, that is no fault, no cost to the insurer, then clearly they have a dipstick as an underwriter.....


Have you tried the insurance traders on here for a quote? Elephant, Admiral and Diamond are all a pretty good start outside of them..... :)

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So they have actually already switched you, or that is the renewal offer?


If its a letter advising you that they have already placed the business, you should have a minimum 7 days to cancel and get yourself a better deal.


Ive never known an industry as fickle as insurance. Not only is it a postcode lottery, but also you will find that yes companies can an do decide who or what they wil/wont insure based on the most ludicrous of criteria. Your claim against another company could should in theory have nothing to do with your own companies renewal policy, but it probably will. :dry:


The above quote though is taking the urine somewhat and I would shop around now.

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I was with LV for ages and they were always the cheapest, then I moved house (all of 3 miles) and they would not insure me for under £2,000 which was a four-fold increase. It took all of 30 minutes to find a quote that was actually cheaper that my original one. Don't worry mate, just ditch them and do a comparison site OR call chris knott etc.

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You're the customer with the cash at the end of the day - there's loads of companies that will insure you for around what you were paying so phone around.


They're just pulling a fast one, which is probably an automated letter generated and printed from their database (they send renewals out in batches each day). There wasn't literally 1 person calculating it all again for you - a machine came up with this random quote.


I was getting two ends of the spectrum - some as much as £6k+ to insure my car. Where did they get that number from!?


Try the usual:


Chris Knott



Sky Insurance


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Regardless of how fair or unfair this is, it is now standard practice, it was recently covered in auto express, if you claim then your premium will increase even if it was not your fault


they say :headhurt: if you are involved in an accident then the figures show you are more likely to be involved in another !!


its a rip off but they make the rules, i had the same thing recently when an audi tt drove into the back of me !! luckily i wasnt in the zed :teeth:

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Thanks guys.


The reason it bothers me so much is that the year before I was paying a lot more - then I found Kwik Fit offering it for a big discount. Now Kwik Fit have dumped me Im worried that Ill be back in the ball park I was before.


Tim - Ill give you a call in a moment mate and see what you can do. Hopefully get somewhere close to what I was paying.


They havent moved me over automatically, just told me what I have to pay if I stay with them which is a joke!

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  GIXXERUK said:
Regardless of how fair or unfair this is, it is now standard practice, it was recently covered in auto express, if you claim then your premium will increase even if it was not your fault


they say :headhurt: if you are involved in an accident then the figures show you are more likely to be involved in another !!


its a rip off but they make the rules, i had the same thing recently when an audi tt drove into the back of me !! luckily i wasnt in the zed :teeth:


It may be standard practice with the companies you use but not with us!

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  Bundus said:
Have you got a direct line number Tim? Would be good to talk to you personally.


Cheers mate!



Thanks for the message.


Regarding the quote, could I ask you to ring the office please on 0800 917 2274 or 01580 752961 if calling from a mobile – Mon-Fri 9am till 5pm, Sat 9am till noon.

It’s just that I don’t actually do the quotes, as I spend a lot of my time travelling the country on business and work from home also.

We have a specialist team who should be able to help you based on the details you’ve stated.



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  Tim@ChrisKnott said:
  GIXXERUK said:
Regardless of how fair or unfair this is, it is now standard practice, it was recently covered in auto express, if you claim then your premium will increase even if it was not your fault


they say :headhurt: if you are involved in an accident then the figures show you are more likely to be involved in another !!


its a rip off but they make the rules, i had the same thing recently when an audi tt drove into the back of me !! luckily i wasnt in the zed :teeth:


It may be standard practice with the companies you use but not with us!


Definitely with more than and swinton, these are the only two companies i can remember :surrender:

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Well it turns out that the reason for the increase is that HSBC who underwrite my policy wont insure me again this year because they still have a claim pending from when someone hit me back in april.


It was a non fault claim - I was stationary at the time when the guy reversed into me and I have witnesses to confirm that. HSBC are still seeking the money from the other party but the other party havent admitted liability yet. So because the claim is still open HSBC wont insure me. Yeah it sounds bloody stupid to me too. My no claims is protected so even if it does turn out the other party refuse liability I should still be able to reinsure with HSBC????


So anyway they said they would still honour my no claims (too right since its protected) so I went to a few other companies including the ones on here and got a price similar to last years.


What an absoulte joke - if HSBC dont want my money then fine! It pays to search around when you are renewing anyway!

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