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beware smokers...


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Yes Martinmac, that means you!




A local story from the least factual paper in the UK....



Now what I want to know is if he 'never throws litter' why did he have to fit an ashtray AFTER getting done.


I HATE tabbies hitting my car and DESPISE when they hit me when I'm on my motorbike. A tabbie to the leathers is one thing, a tabbie in my face could easily cause a serious accident!



So smokers, beware!

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Yeah watch out you dirty basterwards! Dirty habit and I have seen first hand what it can do :byebye:


I agree with Stew WRT riding and having tabs flicked at you. Even if you flinch to try and avoid it, is enough to cause an accident and you'd have no comeback to prove they did it.

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Aye not good at all folks - I understand smokers love their ciggies and I dont have an issue with it as long as I dont get the smoke in my face or within 10 yards of me!!


But what does get my goat is smokers with young kids sat in the back - we are talking babies and above!! Just because you have the window open 1 inch does not mean the smoke is magically sucked out as you drive no no no noooooo.... you can see it swilling about in the back - poor kid! :rant:

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I was under the impression that smoking while driving was illegal now??


I still smoke while driving but have always hidden it from police officers due to the above.


Never really thought about the butts and motorcyclists but will be carefull now :blush:

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absolute pet hate! i flash my lights and beep the horn when people do it (politely shake fist too ;) ). i even hate people smoking out thier windows on a nice day, when your following them you have to wind your window up just so you dont get the sh**ty smell in the car!

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its happened a couple of times, ive been following someone and the smoke they blew out thier window went straight in mine, wasnt impressed! my GF at the time even asked me why i smelt of smoke.

TBH im really sensitive to smoker smell as it makes me feel ill straight away.

but really the butt being flicked out the window is the actually annoying one. what if it went into my fuel lines lol

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