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Egypt Hurguada??


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Done the Nile cruise. Weather very hot - drink plenty of water - make sure only from sealed bottles, Never tap water, ice, salads etc. Natives persistent but can be ignored (Laa Shoecran - No thankyou). Found Eygpt to be a fantastic experience - watch for the extra cost visits, pyramids are an expensive tick in the box, try vally of Kings/ Queens - a bus ride away from Hurgarda.

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Thinking of booking a late deal holiday there next month in a 5 star hotel. Anyone ever been there? If so experience's please and advice welcome. :)


Been several times and all over Egypt - last time was Sharm El Sheik (Naama Bay) - had a fantastic time scuba diving etc

People are really friendly, however you will be mobbed by people selling crappy tourist trinkets in the streets (no matter where you go in tourist parts of Egypt) - just smile and say La Shukran (no thankyou) - other useful phrases here - http://www.touregypt.net/translat.htm


Carry a big wad of egyptian pound notes - one of these is the recognised tip for just about everything (even to the little boy that hands you the bog roll in the toilet :lol: )


Dont drink tap water or have ice in drinks - but that applies to loads of countries anyway


Beer is really cheap - a brand called Sakara sells all over the country. Spirits are prohibitively expensive, and dont be tempted to buy on the black market, its all Bomba (fake) and tastes like meths.


If you go out of tourist areas (especially of a night time) word will get around and you will soon be surrounded by 'Tourist Police' for your protection. I found myself at Cairo train station at 3am one day and a man waved at me across the platform and pointed to his oozie machine gun under his jacket and gave me the thumbs up as if to say I am watching out for you, then within 10 mins I was surrounded by Tourist Police - 10 of which came on the train to Luxor with me! Tourism is Egypts greatest form of income, and they protect it!


Anyway, I digress - Hurgada is same as Sharm so you wont have any problems there.


Have fun :thumbs: - I'm going back in a few weeks hopefully!

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try vally of Kings/ Queens - a bus ride away from Hurgarda.


About a 4 1/2 hour 'bus' ride :lol:


But I agree - Luxor/Karnak then valley of Kings and Queens are a must - there is also a good sunset boat trip (in a Felucca, small sail boat) from Luxor to Banana Island

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Just been to Egypt in June and stayed at the Three Corners resort in El Gouna, about 20 minutes out from Hurguada.


Got to be the safest place I've ever seen, pillboxes on main roads, security on round abouts, guards on every hotel entrance, never felt safer tbh. People of course very friendly, but never found them pushy - made me wonder if they were under orders or something. Lovely marina round El Gouna, theres some serious money there. Weather was as you'd expect, what little breeze that came off the sea was perfect when sun bathing.


Overall I enjoyed the experience, though a little on the quiet side - but I was on a mission to unwind primarily, was first holiday in 10 years. :lol: The people I was away with were less than impressed with the area and said they prefered Sharm El Sheik, but I suppose it depends what you want out of the holiday, for me it was a pefect quiet place to unwind, with decent entertainment going on, quality food etc. Hope that can help at all?

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