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Windows media extender Xbox360


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So i set this up after wondering about it for ages.

i had to :starwars: with my firewall for a few minutes to get it to cooperate but have to say it was worth it, its genius :teeth:


im hoping i haven't opened up my computer for attack when fiddling with the firewall? i made all the port opening thingys within the LAN only, anyone know if i'll be ok?


cheers :teeth:

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is that the thing where if you leave your computer on your Xbox can access it and pull your media from it?


if so you should be fine. i don't use mine much as the signal is quite weak, takes ages to do anything.


whats your gamertag i'll have to have a fight or something sometime :lol:

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What router are you using?



a crappy thopson one but i dont think its that i think its my comodo firewall. i thinks before i switch comp off tonight i'll disconect from net and disable firewall and see if it works, narrows it down.


they send you here for info on what to do, useless really :lol: if you dont know completely what your doing that is :blush:

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That's probably what it is,because your running a router aswell you will be using 2 firewalls.1 on you pc and 1 on your router,as you suggest I would disable the pc 1.Or go into your router settings and DMZ that.


the more firewalls the merrier i say :teeth: im only going to use it to watch downloaded films on the main TV untill my new cables arrive so the computer goes to the living room: HD, optical, USB. :teeth: geeky i know but awsome none the less. :yahoo:



Just read this:

dunno if its still the case but when i first set it up it did not support the streaming of divx files so was useless to me. Never done it since.


:cry: bu**er :dry:

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If you have 2 firewalls running they conflict with each other.


I know routers have firewalls but i didnt even engage brain towards the other firewall being on :blush::blush: oops.

Hmm time to fiddle with router settings and break said router.

I awould class my self as a knowledgable rookie when it comes to network things, its not all jibberish, i get them fixed eventually, just takes forever :dry:

i can play divx on the Home cinema system so no problem there, heres me thinking it would be a bit like a screen extender :dry: but its really not its some microsoft rubbish.

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Me also,the girlfriend keeps wondering why I keep runnng up and down stairs fiddling with the ps3.


yeah :lol: loads of excersise, and late nights, i can never just give up!


got it working for pictures so i think that'lll do, they look amazing in high definition and its easier than karting them over on SD card. wasnt a complete waste of time then. just have to wait for my masses of cables :teeth:

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