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Penum Spacer wanted at the best possibe price : )


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(Again- the key on my aptop between 'k' and ';' isn't working!! :bang: ) I have decided to buy a Penum Spacer for my January 2006 350Z.

I've gathered that the preferred brand is Motordyne, so wanted to know which traders on here suppy these as a compete kit with inst. instructions.




PS sorry about a those nasty speing mistakes :teeth:

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lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllogged of my laptop and restarted it and she works :yahoo: Need to splash some cash at a Vaio I reckon. Dirty Advents! I just put a new hard drive in this baby as I paid £700 nicker for this a couple of years ago o resolve silly problems like my L key. Waste of time. Should have put it to an exhaust or spacer :wacko:

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If you want to hold off a little there is a carbon plenum with moulded spacer being produced based on the stock plenum and spacer. Its going to cost £250 which is only about £20 more than a spacer alone, then you get to sell your spare plenum. Other than that you are looking at trying to get a 2nd one!!

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he11o there :lol: Instead of the 'l' use a '1' unti1 you can get it fixed :thumbs:

A11 the usua1 traders shou1d be ab1e to he1p you out with a p1enum :teeth:



thats a rea11y c1ever idea sunset, a we11 thought out p1an.


you might find that some peop1e have a second hand one for sa1e so get one cheap that way.

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Yeah I'm aware of the carbon plenum. Just concerned it splits or cracks, and my insurance company will have to be notified so I'd have to part with more pennies.


Will more than likely be stronger than most aftermarket plenums (although not the spacer and stock). Plus I believe its coming with a gaurantee.

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I'll wait and see.

Just want to get cracking as I have next week free from work and wanted an excuse to use some light tools over a couple of easy days in the sunshine with some coldies :teeth:


I have a few odd jobs round the house I need doing if you don't have anything to do!!! :lol:

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Now then, if you hold out until my carbon plenum is up and going I'll be selling my motordyne spacer and maybe a polished plenum :thumbs:


As for stength of the carbon plenum, it won't crack.. If it did which is highly unlikely, it would be replaced within the 12 months

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Stop throwing a11 of these options at me :wacko: confused now!


How many mi1es has your spacer and p1enum covered? And cou1d you pm me your price for these. I haven't ru1ed out your carbon p1enum yet, wou1d need to contact my insurance though if I did that.


Any ideas on timesca1es for your carbon operation? :snack:


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The spacer on my car has covered approx 750 miles, although I got it off Paul(p15sult) I'm not sure if he used it or not?


As for the carbon plenum, as soon as I get the spare which should be next week, he said it would take approx 2 weeks for the mould to be done :thumbs:

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