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exhaust dilemma


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iv got a hole in my exhaust where the flange is broken, very noisy but actually sounds good lol (ask jay and adam) but a bit too loud so it needs fixed. spoke to the chap who jay recommended and another guy also recommended. hes given me 3 options


-£40 to fix the problem


-£100 to fix the problem and fit custom pipes (look the part)


- or £300 for all of the above and an aftermarket backbox


:wacko::wacko: iv said for a while im gonna stop spending more money on the car esp if its not needed and the car already sounds awesome as it is with the induction kit. and iv always preferred engine noise to exhaust noise. so i was thinkin option 2 but i really dont know. i know most ppl are gonna say for for option 3 lol but can i justify payin another 300 quid just for the sake of modifying it more? help lol

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for me i try and only modify parts as they need replacing, or if i'm going to keep the OEM parts for when i sell up so i can return to stock (did my exhaust earlier while it was still new), hence i haven't done the brakes yet, or tyres. personally i would go with option 3, it should mean trouble free motroing vrom that part for the rest of ownership as SS exhausts tend to last a very long time.


but occassionally in life you go for cost effective. if your happy with the car and just want it fixed go with option 1.

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iv ruled out option 1 lol too boring. its prob option 2 but maybe option 3, maybe... and yea jay it was simon i spoke to. genuine guy, he still remembers ur zed.


i need better persuasion than that lol im still sitting at option 2

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for me i try and only modify parts as they need replacing, or if i'm going to keep the OEM parts for when i sell up so i can return to stock (did my exhaust earlier while it was still new), hence i haven't done the brakes yet, or tyres. personally i would go with option 3, it should mean trouble free motroing vrom that part for the rest of ownership as SS exhausts tend to last a very long time.


but occassionally in life you go for cost effective. if your happy with the car and just want it fixed go with option 1.


Sound advice. I personally would go for option 3 as like said above it will last a lot longer and possibly mean less costs in the future. Only you can decide at the end of the day though. :p

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iv ruled out option 1 lol too boring. its prob option 2 but maybe option 3, maybe... and yea jay it was simon i spoke to. genuine guy, he still remembers ur zed.


i need better persuasion than that lol im still sitting at option 2


if option 1 is out because its boring might as well delete it now.


and if you want option 2 because option 1 is boring i'm fairly certain that you'll get bored and end up doing option 3 further down the line because you'll want more sound.


if thats the case you might as well go straight to option 3 and tune it and style it to how you like.

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Ok your gonna have to get an awesome zorst so you can try and make ur car look as cool as mine when its done ;):lol:


Nah but seriously if you get the zorst done at all, get it done properly mate and make it look the part as well as sound awesome :drive1

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lol ur gettin too cheeky in ur old age jay...


and rich the reason i put in option one is cos thats an option the guy gave me. and i really shoulda worded that post better lol

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Have you been up to see simon mate? Go see what he has to offer etc then you will be able 2 make your mind up. I will come up with you actually, need to talk to him bout somethin. Ps less of the old age mr. am 22 ;)

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lol well ur actin all grown up just cos ur a graduate... lol and u must be gettin old cos if u scroll up ul see that its simon im talkin about lol. im booked in for sat the 25th mate whichever option i pick. ur welcome to come along but its 10am on a saturday morning lol

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lol i need a better reason than that stew- if someone gives me one good reason to persuade me to get a custom exhaust il do it, but it has to be better than "it makes sense" lol

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Come on irfan, you have changed most things on the exterior of your car, so wats the point of it looking good, yet the exhaust letting it down, you have spent a good amount on your car to get it to look the way it is, so dont scrimp on the zorst. Just do it. Its like a good looking girl wats the point of her looking gorgeous when she is rubbish in bed.....................




SO just bite the bullet and get a sweet zorst :thumbs:


If you dont i WILL slap you :lol:

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Come on irfan, you have changed most things on the exterior of your car, so wats the point of it looking good, yet the exhaust letting it down, you have spent a good amount on your car to get it to look the way it is, so dont scrimp on the zorst. Just do it. Its like a good looking girl wats the point of her looking gorgeous when she is rubbish in bed.....................




SO just bite the bullet and get a sweet zorst :thumbs:


If you dont i WILL slap you :lol:


+1 I will fish slap you too :lol::bangin:

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Come on irfan, you have changed most things on the exterior of your car, so wats the point of it looking good, yet the exhaust letting it down, you have spent a good amount on your car to get it to look the way it is, so dont scrimp on the zorst. Just do it. Its like a good looking girl wats the point of her looking gorgeous when she is rubbish in bed.....................



:lol::clap: That's a really good analogy :thumbs:


+1 totally agree :D

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fish slap lol good one and lamby dont agree with jay that was a crap analogy! lol


wel nobody came up with an actual reason to get a custom exhaust, rich was the only one who tried... so u would think that means its option 2... but... BUT... lucky for u guys today i was in an underground car park with a very low roof... and i was in 2nd gear with this rumbly exhaust... so option 3 it is! custom exhaust here we come!


already chosen the pipes but should i go for 2 single boxes or one box? for looks i think one stainless steel exhaust would go well with the spats.

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we didnt need to come up with a good reason you have came up with the best reason to get option 3 all by yourself


but i still stand by my statement that Jay came up with a good analogy :thumbs:


the best reason to get an exhaust is for the sound if you like a nice sounding car get an exhaust :D


i am pleased your getting option 3 cause you have a lovely looking zed and no exhaust was making a great car only good it was holding it back. so really the only way forward was option 3.


now however i am aware that this reasoning is a bit late but still im sure it would have worked either way :) and it has because you are getting option 3 :yahoo:

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lol i wanted option 3 but i said to myself a while back i was gonna stop spending more money on the car. i lookin for a good excuse from someone to kid myself that i would benefit from the exhaust apart from the noise. its good but prob not worth 300 quid- oh well... u only live once lol. il use rich's excuse that it will last longer. let the modding continue!

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