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back from hols to instant STRESS!


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I have a delightful next door neighbour - you know the type, curtain twitching nosey gossip who stays home all day. This one is so bad she actually sweeps the tyre marks off her gravel every time the husband goes on it in his car and we once caught her coming out of our back garden, no doubt after going for a look through our windows to see our house renovations...........She has a major problem with anyone under the age of 25. Her biggest gripe so far has been my son's girlfriend parking on the road outside OUR HOUSE and she actually swore at her and threatened to punch her lights out if she kept parking on the road. I'm unfortunately very non confrontational and a bit soft when it comes to anything like that, never complain in restaurants even when the foods rubbish etc BUT got home from a much needed chill out in France where i'd gone to get away from stresses of home life and divorce only to find that the b1tch has called the police! And why? Because my son went on a rare saturday night out in town, got home at 3am with his girlfriend and one mate and they were a bit noisy when they got out the taxi and woke her up banging the door! I was absolutely fuming! So i swallowed my nerve went round to her house and told her what i thought of her. I think I made it ten times worse but I felt so much better than i would have being my usual soft self! Looks like the new me continues! Wales, the hoon, bollocking the neighbours, what next ???? :lol:

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The only thing is, from now on i will have to make sure i keep a lid on it and not let things escalate because you have to declare any conflict with neighbours on a legal document when you sell your house! And I want to get out of here ASAP! :scare:

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i'm sure you MUST be on it Stew, but i can't for the life of me think why it was.............However, Mike will forever be at the top of that list because nobody else could EVER be as rude as him! :scare:

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i'm sure you MUST be on it Stew, but i can't for the life of me think why it was.............However, Mike will forever be at the top of that list because nobody else could EVER be as rude as him! :scare:



I'm a good boy :halo:

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Well, tell that nosey cow that if she does anything like that again, then YOU will tell the police how SHE trespassed onto your property, because SHE was too nosey about YOUR renovations.

She cannot have it both ways and she needs to put up and shut up.

People are different, that's just life, if you don't like it (and I mean that stupid woman) then move to some remote area...

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Well said! In actual fact i'm very strict and consider myself to be a very considerate neighbour. If he even has his radio on while he's washing the car i tell him to keep it low so the neighbours don't have to listen to it. I hope when i move a big family with lots of brats that scream all day on a trampolene move in! :lol:

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lol... in the previous house i rented, we had a bonkers old woman who lived next door, and she'd be forever knocking on our door, telling us to quiet down, or tidy the garden! On the night we moved in, we were putting up some wardrobes at 10pm, and the next morning at 9am we got a phonecall from the estate agent and she'd complained about a load of banging, and said we were having a party!


Anyway, she used to place cones infront of her house so people wouldnt park on the curb and block her light... so the day we moved out, i'd rented a transit van and i parked right infront of her window and front door, and she couldn't even get out of the house :lol::lol: She opened the door and was yelling at me, and i just said, 'its alright, it'll be gone by monday' and walked away laughing...


i moved it an hour later though when we left, but still, i had her going mental for a bit.

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Before you move out Nixy i think you should have a 350z-uk.com party there, about a 100 zeds should do the trick parked all over the place and a very noisy departure at 3 am in the morning :lol:

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good on ya nixy, i now how you feel as my neighbours are the exact same, and i mean neighbours plural, they all have a chip on there shoulder about me and the wife owning the house we do and about our age, yes we got the house for a great price but at the end of the day still have to pay a morgage, but these feckers are in there wee cleek and talk about us behind our backs


put in for outline planning permission for a house round our back door as we live on the corner house with a massive back door, well that got the bloddy backs up didnt it :lol: long story short i had to sit in a coucil meeting with all the neighbours (20 of them)....(yes 20 !!!) heckeling me and the wife for the back..saying were only doing it for the money.....well doh :teeth: in the end we didnt get it so i now have planning permission granted for a 2 story garage....yeah man :thumbs:


oh and i had the council officers at my door the other day asking to look at my new timber decking that i am nearly finished as they have had a complaint about it from a neighbour...are you having a friggin laugh ????? i promise you if i am that bad in 40 years time then i will do the world a favour and jump in front of a train :headhurt:


sorry for hijacking your rant with my own :blush:

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Before you move out Nixy i think you should have a 350z-uk.com party there, about a 100 zeds should do the trick parked all over the place and a very noisy departure at 3 am in the morning :lol:


Yeh, call it the 'Bungs out K1 party' :band:

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i now have planning permission granted for a 2 story garage....yeah man :thumbs:


oh and i had the council officers at my door the other day asking to look at my new timber decking that i am nearly finished as they have had a complaint about it from a neighbour...are you having a friggin laugh ????? i promise you if i am that bad in 40 years time then i will do the world a favour and jump in front of a train :headhurt:


sorry for hijacking your rant with my own :blush:


No probs I know where you're coming from! Some people are professional complainers and have nothing better to do. I work in complaints about planning permission etc and I feel sympathy for you - they are the worse of the worse!


Before you move out Nixy i think you should have a 350z-uk.com party there, about a 100 zeds should do the trick parked all over the place and a very noisy departure at 3 am in the morning :lol:


Yeh, call it the 'Bungs out K1 party' :band:


And I LOVE that idea! :lol:

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Before you move out Nixy i think you should have a 350z-uk.com party there, about a 100 zeds should do the trick parked all over the place and a very noisy departure at 3 am in the morning :lol:


Yeh, call it the 'Bungs out K1 party' :band:

Gimme a date and I'll check if I'm free.

Bungs will deffo stay home.

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Aaw, Nix you didn't need that coming back from your hols. :console: Look at it this way, at least your home is being watched over whilst you're out. Imagine how fast she'd be on the phone to the cops if something seemed out of sorts.


I think everyone has a nosey neighbour that doesn't mind there own business. Our neighbour wanders around her property just about craning her neck to see what we're doing outside, which must be difficult considering these are all very large properties (absolutely massive by UK scale), lots of trees. The most amusing bit is using industrial grade powertools are rather noisy. ;):lol:

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Next time your away mate, I can put some interesting friends of mine in your house for a few days ;) I bet your nosey friend has moved out before you return! :thumbs:



Will the house still be standing though? :lol:




Sorry to hear of your annoying neighbours, as other people have mentioned, I think at one point most of us have had annoying neighbours at some point. Its just somthing we have to get on with, if you lower yourself to their level it will only make things worse, unless of course your moving then hire a live band, invite all zed owners with noisy exhaust and have a party :lol::band:

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I'll join in the neighbor rant :rant:

I got in yesterday to find the gardner had decided he was going to burn all my neighbors old bussiness documents next to my house :scare: when i say next to, i mean 4 FEET AWAY :bang: the flames were easily a foot high and it was about a metre in diameter with burning paper flying about everywhere! to top it all off as i was trying to politely tell the gardner why i took a hose to it he was chatting to me standing next to the car then decided to lean on the car while talking to me!!!!!! he had a silver chain on his wrist and 2 gold rings on!!!! needless to say i wanted to go balistic but like nixy im not a confrontational soul. instead im going to put a complaint in and get him sacked. hes absolutley clueless anyway he destroyed the trees next to my house aswell :angry: rant over, sorry to thread hijack. :surrender:


You should build a massive fence with trip wires and pungi stick pits. that'll show here next time she tries to be nosey :evil:

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