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Who knows about SSL and self-signed certificates??


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Sorry - a work related question but im going mad here!


i need to communicate via SSL for a new piece of development, and have got the necessary java methods to handle a socket connection with SSL. I simply need to pass in the name of a keystore and its password.


To create the keystore im using a java tool called Keytool - but i cant figure out how to generate the appropriate certificates - which i want to be 'self-signed' (this is the important bit).


I need a Root Certificate, Personal Certificate, and Private Key... using Keytool i've got the Root Cert and the Private Key, but i cant generate the Personal Certificate, as this is usually issued by a CA such as verisign...!!


Nobody in my office has had to do this before so im on my own, and very stuck!!


Any suggestions anyone?



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you need to contact a company like verisign who will sell you one and have it verified.


I work for the NHS and have found Verisign to be expensive.


Try instantssl.com and digicert.com



Cheers mate,


I need to make a self-signed certificate - i.e. not use a CA such as verisign. My SSL communications are going to be on a private network and therefore can be self signed - saving us mucho $$ :lol:

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have you actually installed the root cert?


im having cert issues of another kind today with server2008 and MS unwillingness to support self signed certs! :rant:


I dont have a root certificate to install - i believe i have to generate my own...?


Im now officially bald as i've been tearing my hair out since 11am!

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found this....


e223. Creating a New Key Pair and Self-Signed Certificate Using keytool

This example uses the keytool program to create a new key pair and self-signed certificate for the principal Duke. The example generates a 1024-bit Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key pair.


> keytool -genkey -alias alias -keystore .keystore

Enter keystore password: password

What is your first and last name?

[unknown]: Duke

What is the name of your organizational unit?

[unknown]: JavaSoft

What is the name of your organization?

[unknown]: Sun

What is the name of your City or Locality?

[unknown]: Cupertino

What is the name of your State or Province?

[unknown]: CA

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

[unknown]: US

Is correct?

[no]: yes


To create a 1024-bit RSA key:


> keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -alias alias -keystore .keystore

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not sure re keytool, used openssl and other products to create a cert.


filezilla has a cert tool built in (FTP server software), maybe you could use that? I've used that and then XCA to convert the server cert for a client side cert and imported it and using FTPS successfully with certs now :) is this development using 'windows' certs in the certificate store?

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