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Al Gore - Does he have a point?

Danny 350Z

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After I bought the Zed, and whilst somewhat researching the running of said Zed (too late, I know), I had a small awakening! As I had previously owned a 1.6L Honda HRV (Not just any HRV I might add; 1 of the only 1000 badged 'Joy Machine' versions.. Have that! :) ), after being one of the many common / normal road users, I realised I was NOW one of the minority who burnt masses of the oil (and melting ice, allowing polar bears to drown, the gulf stream to cease providing warm water to Europe and fish to mate with chickens, blah blah blah) and after watching a former presidential candidate / turned environmentalist - Al Gore today he made me feel bad, I'm starting to feel guilty about driving the Zed. Will there be enough high octane petrol for tomorrow's meet, is all i'm asking??


Next car = Toyota Prius or even better, Honda FCX Clarity





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i think youll find that a toyota Peice of Rubbish Idiotic Utterly useless S**te.

is actualy worse for the environment than a small diesel car or something.

i call it ECO BLING


like solar panels, you look good for having them but realistically they will never recoup the CO2 used to make/install them.


EDIT: next car = jag diesel ;):lol:

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Does Al Gore have a point? No. He's a tit of the highest order with his own political agenda, same as everyone else who jumps on the green bandwagon. Mankind has evolved for millenia to get to this stage in our evolution, and I'll be buggered if I'm going to jump back 100 years and stop using anything remotely interesting and/or that makes my life easier. See: Plastic bags and big-engined cars.



Mankind always finds a way around it's problems. I say let's screw the planet up properly and let the clever boffins of the science world figure out a way to fix it later, that way we're all onto a winner.

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If you buy a Prius, you will be banned, simple as that :p


Seriously, as Husky points out they are worse for the environment than the Zed! Deforestation to get the metal for the batteries, harmful chemicals/metals in the batteries, and even then they only work on stop start driving, and not longer journeys where they use their normal engine! What a crock of shite!

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Does Al Gore have a point? No. He's a tit of the highest order with his own political agenda, same as everyone else who jumps on the green bandwagon. Mankind has evolved for millenia to get to this stage in our evolution, and I'll be buggered if I'm going to jump back 100 years and stop using anything remotely interesting and/or that makes my life easier. See: Plastic bags and big-engined cars.



Mankind always finds a way around it's problems. I say let's screw the planet up properly and let the clever boffins of the science world figure out a way to fix it later, that way we're all onto a winner.



:lol::lol: err please no.

the facts are the facts. we have already buggered up the planet to a point where even with drastic measures is still going to get much worse. its all about trying to slow the process. there are real things that can be done. eg more loft/pipe insulation. altering driving styles, using different animals for our meat source other than farting cattle.


having sat through numerous boring hybrid lectures the prius is great engineering but someone obviously lost the point of doing it along the way. hats off to the marketing people though :surrender:

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Does Al Gore have a point? No. He's a tit of the highest order with his own political agenda, same as everyone else who jumps on the green bandwagon. Mankind has evolved for millenia to get to this stage in our evolution, and I'll be buggered if I'm going to jump back 100 years and stop using anything remotely interesting and/or that makes my life easier. See: Plastic bags and big-engined cars.



Mankind always finds a way around it's problems. I say let's screw the planet up properly and let the clever boffins of the science world figure out a way to fix it later, that way we're all onto a winner.



:lol::lol: err please no.

the facts are the facts. we have already buggered up the planet to a point where even with drastic measures is still going to get much worse. its all about trying to slow the process. there are real things that can be done. eg more loft/pipe insulation. altering driving styles, using different animals for our meat source other than farting cattle.


having sat through numerous boring hybrid lectures the prius is great engineering but someone obviously lost the point of doing it along the way. hats off to the marketing people though :surrender:

I even went around turning off unnecessary plugs tonight! GOD DAMN YOU, GORE!! I'm killing the world just posting this thread!!

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:lol::lol: err please no.

the facts are the facts. we have already buggered up the planet to a point where even with drastic measures is still going to get much worse.

Given that the 'facts' are still being argued about daily by everyone and anyone, I'll carry on living my life to the style to which I am accustomed. The planet was here long before I arrived, and it'll be around long after I'm gone. Selfish? Perhaps, but if the planet is already screwed then I'm going to make the most of it and go out with a bang.



Same reasoning why should I ever get cancer I'll be spending my last few months on a strict diet of alcohol & hookers instead of cramped in a bed on chemotherapy. :thumbs:

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Thousands of years ago co2 levels and global temperatures were much higher - and ive not seen them dig up a prehistoric V8 yet. So al gore and the rest of his followers can shove this human co2 global warming crap up their arse.


I am in the camp that believes the sun and solar activity dictates our temperatures more than any human activity. With the exception of deforestation, which has the ability to effect our Eco system somewhat.

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Thousands of years ago co2 levels and global temperatures were much higher - and ive not seen them dig up a prehistoric V8 yet. So al gore and the rest of his followers can shove this human co2 global warming crap up their arse.


I am in the camp that believes the sun and solar activity dictates our temperatures more than any human activity. With the exception of deforestation, which has the ability to effect our Eco system somewhat.


agreed but theres a slight problem with the survival of life.

didnt most things die last time it happend??


by doing the simple things you save yourself a heap of dosh aswell so its win win! its a balance we need, Zeds are allowed, BMW's are not, simple

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Until the US and China start doing anything about it, we are just a drop in the ocean. Even if all the UK were carbon neutral, the other bigger continents on this planet would screw it over, so what the hell, we might as well have some fun while we can!

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Until the US and China start doing anything about it, we are just a drop in the ocean. Even if all the UK were carbon neutral, the other bigger continents on this planet would screw it over, so what the hell, we might as well have some fun while we can!

As long as we're doing our part, hey Chris :p

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Until the US and China start doing anything about it, we are just a drop in the ocean. Even if all the UK were carbon neutral, the other bigger continents on this planet would screw it over, so what the hell, we might as well have some fun while we can!


a very good point. :lol::thumbs:

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Until the US and China start doing anything about it, we are just a drop in the ocean. Even if all the UK were carbon neutral, the other bigger continents on this planet would screw it over, so what the hell, we might as well have some fun while we can!

As long as we're doing our part, hey Chris :p

Theres just no point making the time and effort mate, as we are so small compared to them. Look at the US and their 7l monster cars that have crap efficiency. It pales our few Zeds into insignificance. I'm not going to have no fun to try and save the planet when its really not going to do anything. I do other things to try and help by turning things off etc, but I wont stop driving the Zed or anything else I do for fun.

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I never suggesting stop driving the Zed else i'd have never bought one and I would have obtained a camel (great MPG by the way and the Tommy Z badge sits happily on it's arse!). Just that I felt bad by the ever decreasing ice caps = Gore has brain washed this Zedder! Well unitl I sober up, anyway!

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agreed but theres a slight problem with the survival of life.

didnt most things die last time it happend??


yes they did. But that's irrelevant as we can't change the effect of the sun on our planet. Even if every human being stopped driving, using energy, and even stopped breathing; it won't make a jot of difference. As it's not us changing the planet.


It's just that there are now that many people employed around the globe, and that much money raised through "green" taxes around the world, that we now have no choice to maintain this false attitude that humans are to blame for the climate changing.


Besides it was a mahoosive meteor that killed of the dinosoars, not warm weather.


Our planet has been heating and cooling for millenia, and human influence on this is microscopic to the degree of being totally insignificant, it's just that the politicians can now use this to raise money.


I purposfully drop the z a cog when we go past a prius to make a point.

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green politics is for controlling the weak minded.


trying to be carbon neutral is a waste of time, until industries change there ways its pointless, then you need to focus on the developing world, they are where we were 50 years ago, with big polluting power stations and no green legisilation. plus they are the fastest growing financial areas in the world. we can't sit there with are big multi electrical lifestyles telling india and china they can t do that cos they are hurting the planet.


not only that but this planet has been doing its own thing like Co2 level up etc since before me. scientists are only guessing on what causes it. there are a multitude of theories but non are proven. floods and iceages have been before and will happen again,


it shouldn't be down to us, it should be a governement inititive first. like building nuclear power stations. that would make a big difference. all this wind farm crap won't provide the power we need,


plus these eco cars still use plastic, and other materials manufactured from oil.


and electric cars require electricity, it comes from the power station where they burn fossil fules to make it.


green politics is a joke, its just an easy way to squeeze another tax out of an already over taxed nation. who have very little to show for there big expenditures. well at least we own our own banks :dry:

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Besides it was a mahoosive meteor that killed of the dinosoars, not warm weather.


Ahh, so you watched Armageddon last night too... :lol:


If the world was in such a desperate state that burning fuel is the cause, then let me ask you this:

- Why are airplanes still in the sky?

- Why are there massive containerships in the sea?

- Why isn't F1 banned?

- Why in fact isn't any sort of motor racing banned?


I know the main reason as to why these things are allowed is because it's all big money business, but if the world really really was in need of change to save it, then surely these things, that are the biggest contributions to fuel consumption, should be banned.

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