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pop charger


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Sorry for a STUPID question, but what the hell is a pop charger! Im no alien to the modifying game having been in it for over 15 years and built a 390bhp rx7 and 340 bhp mr2 and a chavvvvvvy 230hp nova gte which i still have, but in all my years have never heard of a POP charger. Is it just an air filter!!!! Please make this old modder a happy man and dont make me think im past it!!!


No smart comments YOUNG GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Emmmmmmmm :worthless: of the Nova!


Are you really ready for these pics??????? it was 10 years ago and there are tsw stealths involved and a big shiny calibra 2 litre turbo let?????? be prepared, view at your own expense as the pics will be scanned!!!!!!!!!! :yuck::yuck::yuck:

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Emmmmmmmm :worthless: of the Nova!


Are you really ready for these pics??????? it was 10 years ago and there are tsw stealths involved and a big shiny calibra 2 litre turbo let?????? be prepared, view at your own expense as the pics will be scanned!!!!!!!!!! :yuck::yuck::yuck:


Bring it on olde man :lol::lol:

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Sorry for a STUPID question, but what the hell is a pop charger! Im no alien to the modifying game having been in it for over 15 years and built a 390bhp rx7 and 340 bhp mr2 and a chavvvvvvy 230hp nova gte which i still have, but in all my years have never heard of a POP charger. Is it just an air filter!!!! Please make this old modder a happy man and dont make me think im past it!!!


No smart comments YOUNG GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Nova's aren't Chavvy any more mate :D

Especially C20LET converted ones!!!!


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I'm 26. Any older than me is old! :lol::lol:


Oh and Novas are ace. I've had two and I'd easy have another if my girlfriend didn't despise them!


I think I'd favour a highly tuned 1.6 though as I always felt the 2.0 were a little heavy....



Bring on the photos!

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when you guys say old man how old is old :teeth:


i'm 27


anyhting older than my dad is old :lol:


I thought you were about 40 :blush:


I'm 25 so anyone over that is old :p



most of the kids i teach think i'm in my 30's, its the beard, if i shave it off i only look about 15 :lol:

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:lol: I have the same problem, I look more my age with a beard. I look about 12 without it.


I couldn't get served in Asda for some cider a few months back :blush:


arh cider the nectar of the gods, i bloddy love that stuff. :cloud9:

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:lol: I have the same problem, I look more my age with a beard. I look about 12 without it.


I couldn't get served in Asda for some cider a few months back :blush:


lol. if you are drinking cidar I don't blame them for thinking your 12 lol :disguise: . Im just playing.

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:lol: I have the same problem, I look more my age with a beard. I look about 12 without it.


I couldn't get served in Asda for some cider a few months back :blush:


lol. if you are drinking cidar I don't blame them for thinking your 12 lol :disguise: . Im just playing.


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Johnny walks into the kitchen where his mum is fixing the night's dinner. "Mum, I got a splinter in my finger. Can I have a glass of cider?".


"Are you sure you don't want me to pull it out?"


"No thanks, just the cider."


"Well, sure," responds the youth's mother and gives her boy the cider and watches him trot off contentedly.


About 15 minutes later the boy returns to the kitchen and again asks him mother for a glass of cider. His mother, not wanting to question his reasoning, gives him another glass and again watches him leave happily.


Ten minutes later the boy returns and once again asks for a glass of cider. The mother complies with her son's wishes again, but her curiosity has been piqued to the point where she can't resist knowing why any longer. She wanders into the family room and sees her son sitting in front of the TV with his finger in the glass.


"Why on earth do you have your finger in that glass?" asks the boy's mother.


"Well, mum, I heard sis on the phone say that whenever she had a pr*ck in her hand, she couldn't wait to get it in cider."

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