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Bet you've heard it all before...

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Well first off... Hi


I'm sure you've heard it all before, new guy on the forum saying he's "thinking" about getting a 350z some time soon, asking the same old questions like "How much is a Turbo kit?" and not using the fabled "search function".


Well not me, I'm just here to read up on the 350z as it's on my shortlist for my next car. I'm not new to forums, I've been a member of many different car forums so I know all the stupid questions new guys can come up with when a simple search could have sufficed.


The main reason I've actually registered and not just browsed the forum, is to give you 350z owners / enthusiasts the chance to sway me to the point of getting a 350z over one of the other cars on my list.


So here it is:


350z - Pros: Styling/tuning capabilities, v6 bragging rights, well over 200bhp, rear wheel drive, Z legacy

Cons: styling will need a little tweeking from stock to meet my preferences, which brings me onto Pro number 1, but means more £££


S2000 - Pros: styling/tuning capabilities, Small, light, VTEC, soft top as standard.

Cons: dated styling from stock, again meaning more £££ for Pro No1, only 2.0Ltr engine


Audi TT - Pros: 4wd as standard, turbocharged engine as standard allowing for easy re-mapping with plenty of bang for my £££, Interior to die for.

Cons: stereotypical "hairdressers" car, not as much respect on the road (from the people that matter) as a 350z


MX5 - Pros: cheaper than all of the above, fun, mega tuning/styling options for not much £££, soft top as standard

Cons: too small, 2.0 engine max, can be beaten by a mini cooper S ffs!!!


Z4 - Pros: great styling from stock, good engine, badge, drop top

Cons: it's a BMW, meaning it's too expensive. all the other cars on this list can give me the same satisfaction if not more, for much less £££



So there you go, my intentions laid out for all to ponder. I'll probably be putting this post on an S2000 forum, MX5 forum, Audi Forum and S2000 forum (not the BMW forum though, they love themselves too much imo) so we'll see how it goes. My budget is £12k ALL IN meaning £12k after body/engine mods.



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The main reason I've actually registered and not just browsed the forum, is to give you 350z owners / enthusiasts the chance to sway me to the point of getting a 350z over one of the other cars on my list.





Depends if you want some real :teeth::teeth::teeth: after your 350 drive or you get out of one of the others and its :dry:


Also, the fact respected performance car testers have continuously rated the ZED over anything in the small GT grouping answers your question.

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hi mate welcome. out of all ur cons the easiest to solve is the 350z's- buy one thats already kitted! lol unbelievable amount of car for the money these days. i had also considered a z4 and s2000 and have no regrets not buying them. whereas i would regret not buying a zed lol owned it for a year and still makes me smile when i drive it :teeth:

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Hi mate and welcome. :thumbs:


Z4 - you really need an Alpina or Z4M to compete with a Zed IMHO - the 3.0 is fast but a bit souless - and I think they'll be out of budget


TT - only buy this if you're turned on by quality interiors and fast cruising - no passion and no RWD


S2000 - still looks great IMHO 10 years on but I've always been put off by no torque


MX5 - don't buy this if you want respect from the general public - only those who know about cars will understand the sweet RWD handling, you might just about manage a mk3 and turbo charge it (Litchfield are the people to speak to) or you could FI a mk2.5 and have money to spare (and leave the MCS behind)


350Z - on your budget this would be my choice every day - tons of car for your money, great engine, great sound and tons of character - take it from someone who knows, these cars get under your skin

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I wouldn't even consider a TT unless it was the current gen 3.2L, then I might be tempted but otherwise the thrill factor isn't there. BMW interiors are dull but well made, S2K is horribly dated on the inside as well, MX-5 mk3 is a very good car and I certainly wouldn't say no to the hardtop version, and the 350Z is a decent all rounder but the main thing that made me buy mine was the character of the car. I felt that the others lacked that, certainly the Germans.


Don't forget the Boxster as well, silly cheap now and fantastic cars, certainly a better drive than all of the ones you've mentioned (including the Zed).

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Hey, welcome, here is my 2 cents:


350z - Pros: Looks fantastic, Sounds great, Drives great, Decent power output and torque and you don't see too many kicking around (unless your scottish :lol:)

Cons: ECU cancelling means a pain in the ass to get any more power from the engine unless you go the FI route.


S2000 - Pros: Looks nice enough, Reliable, Reasonably quick

Cons: Small engine and VTec means you need to rev the nuts off to move anywhere, therefore no low end torque.


Audi TT - Pros: Turbo is easily tuned.

Cons: They are very common, quite a boring drive and no one will let you out of a junction again as you drive an audi (except fellow hairdressers).


MX5 - Pros: Cheap and easy to throw around

Cons: Looks like you have borrowed it off your mum


Z4 - Pros: Looks great, engine is rock solid and finish is excellent

Cons: You will always wish it was an MSport and you will loose the ability to be able to indicate effectivly prior to performing any manouver.


Go on you know you want one!




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I think most have looked at the cars on your list.


350Z for me as it looks stunning, is a good drive, doesn't cost the earth to run and it's reliable.



Honestly though, drive them all. You'll know straight away which ones for you.

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For the rarity factor you need a zed. I can go a month without seeing another one on the roads...


The interior of the s2k is awfully dated, and the bmw is lets face it, a bmw.


As for a TT, i personally have no respect for anything other than the new shape TT-S. I pull up at the lights next to the 20 or so a week i see, and when the young-ish driver looks over, you can see the disappointment in his face that he knows his car aint as good!


Boxter is a good shout, but is just a little on the camp side.

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and the bmw is lets face it, a bmw.

So it's well built and great to drive? Yeah, I'd hate to have one of those as well! ;)


As for the Boxster looking camp, that only when you put it next to the Zed which reeks of 80's chest wig, it's that macho and over the top. Every car has it's ugly bits (Alfa 8C excluded), and I personally always choose a car that I like and I don't give a toss what other people think of me. It's my money I'm spending not theirs, after all. :)

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Hello :bye:


TT, MX5 or Z4 - I think this depends on your profession. Are you a hairdresser or estate agent?


Get the Z!


:lol: point taken.


I'm an IT Technician in the RAF, so I appreciate the Zed for it's technology too, rather than just what passers by get to see.


I think now the fight is on between the Boxster and the Zed. Only down side is that for the same money I'd be getting an older car. 350 is edging it at the moment.

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