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I work in Glasgow, next to the Marriot Hotel near Finnieston, and was going to get my hair cut in a barbers on Sauciehall street so took the 350z since it was so hot outside and would need to walk up a massive hill otherwise (any excuse I know :lol: )


Parked just off Bath Street in a parking bay and walked over the road to get a pay and display ticket. Started walking back and guy with suit on had walked round the corner and stopped and was looking in the drivers window. I was walking along the front of the car by this time and pressed the keyfob to open the door, guy stood up and said 'just perving over your car mate', I started laughing and opened the door as he started walking away. Put the ticket on the dashboard and he turned back and asked what I thought of the car.


I explained how fantastic it was, so he chatted for a little while asking when I got it etc and then went on his merry way after saying how much he liked them.


But moments like this give you a big beaming smile to know other people appreciate how good our cars look. :teeth:

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i know what you mean about a big smile :teeth:


only the other day i pulled in a local pub car park and this guy was staring at me!! as i walked past him to the door he stoped me to stand for about 10-15min telling me how awesome my car was and that it was a true testiment to myself! :blush: what do you say to something like that other than errr thanx :lol:

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Damn - I was in the office today (Europa Building) but didn't see your Z. Where were you parked when you were in the office?


I work for Hilton Hotels and we have a reservation centre in Cadogan Square, we have our own covered car park when you come in the service road that shares the entrance with the Marriot.

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