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Cars V Horses


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Geez, I am so sorry to hear this. As a horse owner i can only half imaging what you and your wife are feeling. Im welling up as i write this just thinking about how i would feel if it was my Able.


I am sure that the physical pain your wife is feeling is nothing compared to her heart ache at losing her horse.


I am so very sorry.


Please send a huge hug to your wife.


and now im crying!

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Geez, I am so sorry to hear this. As a horse owner i can only half imaging what you and your wife are feeling. Im welling up as i write this just thinking about how i would feel if it was my Able.


I am sure that the physical pain your wife is feeling is nothing compared to her heart ache at losing her horse.


I am so very sorry.


Please send a huge hug to your wife.


and now im crying!

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  aquagazgt4 said:
a nearby farmer arrived and shot the horse


I think he should have taken a leg off of the driver with that gun after putting the horse out its misery. this is disgracefull, puts a lump in your throat. Sorry to hear about this, a similar thing happened to my dad on his pushbike, fortunately his hand and handlebars went through the guys driver window and clouted him in the face, there was nothing recognisable as a bike afterward. theres no excuse for that behaviour :rant::rant::rant: like everybody else i could go on for hours :rant: . i wish your wife a speedy recovery and am sorry to hear of the loss of your horse. :console:

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  aquagazgt4 said:
a nearby farmer arrived and shot the horse


I think he should have taken a leg off of the driver with that gun after putting the horse out its misery. this is disgracefull, puts a lump in your throat. Sorry to hear about this, a similar thing happened to my dad on his pushbike, fortunately his hand and handlebars went through the guys driver window and clouted him in the face, there was nothing recognisable as a bike afterward. theres no excuse for that behaviour :rant::rant::rant: like everybody else i could go on for hours :rant: . i wish your wife a speedy recovery and am sorry to hear of the loss of your horse. :console:

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  sally said:
I am sure that the physical pain your wife is feeling is nothing compared to her heart ache at losing her horse.


Exactly that, its the consequences ,and people who own horses have an incredibly close bond to their horses, you get women who are zed widows to us guys and cars,( sally got a horse and a zed ha bloke has no chance) but when its comes to horses i was well down the order.

thank you for your comments sally


Gary & Gill :blackeye:

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  sally said:
I am sure that the physical pain your wife is feeling is nothing compared to her heart ache at losing her horse.


Exactly that, its the consequences ,and people who own horses have an incredibly close bond to their horses, you get women who are zed widows to us guys and cars,( sally got a horse and a zed ha bloke has no chance) but when its comes to horses i was well down the order.

thank you for your comments sally


Gary & Gill :blackeye:

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Absolutely horrific episode, can't imagine what your missus is going thru let along you.


The should not just be deported, they should be deported to serve prison sentence back home. That way it's absolutely no drain on our tax money apart from court case and ticket home.


Their own country should fit the bill for their incarceration. This is something which should be done for any immigrants who serve prison sentences here, their home country should fit the bill.


The same should happen if a UK citizen is in Poland and gets sent to prison, the UK should fit the bill. Only fair that the home nation pays for it's citizens.

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Absolutely horrific episode, can't imagine what your missus is going thru let along you.


The should not just be deported, they should be deported to serve prison sentence back home. That way it's absolutely no drain on our tax money apart from court case and ticket home.


Their own country should fit the bill for their incarceration. This is something which should be done for any immigrants who serve prison sentences here, their home country should fit the bill.


The same should happen if a UK citizen is in Poland and gets sent to prison, the UK should fit the bill. Only fair that the home nation pays for it's citizens.

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Truly shocking story, although worryingly as a former horse owner I have seen and heard about many road accidents involving horses and wreckless drivers. I had been known to hit a car with my whip if one drove to close for comfort when I rode on road, I had one person get out of the car once and I asked if they would prefer a whip hitting their car or my horse, after a few expletives she got back in her car and sped off, luckily my horse was sensible and didn't batter an eye lid but could have been a completely different story, have also seen some nasties :(


My ex used to complain and say they didn't belong on the roads if we ever came across one (especially if there were two side by side, which is legal as you're allowed to drive the width of a car) but I just used to tell him that he was a moron and at the end of the day horses were using roads long before cars were!!


I totally feel for you and your wife for such a horrific accident and loss but I'm sure with a lot of support she will feel much better, although understandably will never forget, I hope she has the courage to continue to ride and not let these people win.


Well done to the farmer to for helping the horse, a lot of people wouldn't have been able to do it, although unfortunately with horses it is the only way :byebye:



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Holy crap! so sorry to hear that mate, I can't say i'm the biggest fan of horses on roads but I always slow down for them and give them plenty of space same as I would for a child or a cyclist. Those guys obviously showed no regards for OUR road rules and culture and should be taken off the roads immediatly, or better still get the farmer to give them the same treatment as the poor horse got.



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On the upside, even with the serious injuries your wife has, at least she's still here. :console: Can understand how upset you both must be, especially your wife with the loss of her horse.


Both of you take lots of care and keep us posted how your wife is getting on.

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