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finally changed the reflectors


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after having ordered the wrong MY reflectors the last time :( ive just taken the bumper off for the second time (didnt even need to remove the wheels :)) i finally got the correct ones on








Getting close to how i want the car to look now :)



ps. will be posting some more image's i took shortly

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  yokomo said:
looks great , was it a dificult jobt o swap them over ?

still cant believe cars these days still come with silly orange ones !


its a bit difficult yeah, got a pretty big bruise on my hand from all the scrapes and bumps :blush:


there is a guide if you do a search for front bumper removal, but as mentioned in that post you can do it without removing the front wheels if you just do a full wheel lock to either side


You basically have to remove a number of clips from the engine bay, a number of screws from underneath the bumper and then some really annoying ones behind the black plastic wheel surround, then it just slides off, took me about an hour and a half to get off and back on again.

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I have just changed my reflectors as well. Opted for none bumper removal method. Passenger side was a piece of cake, drivers side was a tad more difficult with the washer bottle. the bolt holding that on is from the front so you have to have small, flexible hands (girlfriends are brilliant!!!).


Only reason I opted for that approach was because I was also changing my Z fender emblems so needed to work under the archers otherwise I would definitely recommend the bumper removal way! Still its done now. :lol:

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