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Volvo 850 T5 - NOS - Photos added!


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Hi all,


Inherited a '94 Maroon 850 T5 GLT estate about a year ago. Had about 110k on the clock and was in pretty good nick, was basically my daily drive until I found my Z!


Following a stage 0 (pretty necessary on these) I had the ECU mapped by MTE which brought the power up a fair bit, I also installed a turbo gauge to make sure I wasn't pushing it too far.


Anyway, as the car isn't really worth all that much I've decided it's going to be a bit of a project car and having picked up some Wizards of NOS gear on eBay the other day will hopefully not be blowing myself up this weekend...


Will report back when I have news. Or need help!

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Well, no mushroom clouds over the Suffolk horizon yet.


Progress has been slow but steady. Will get pictures up when I get the chance, or rather when there's actually something a bit more interesting to get pictures of.


Have changed my mind a bit about how I'm going to run the system. Decided to run the fuel from the schrader valve thing at the end of the fuel line - it's normally a pressure test port but should do the trick and means that I won't have to cut into the rubber fuel pipe and put a t piece in.


Also had a rethink with regards the wot switching. Rather than bodge a microswitch on to the throttle body (spent about an hour and a lot of swearing on this - there isn't a particularly great place to mount it efficiently!) I'm going to have a look at piggybacking the wot throttle switch attached to the accelerator pedal on the engine side of the bulkhead. I think this is used to tell the ecu to kickdown but should do the trick nicely for my purposes. I may even disconnect the current system as I don't think I really want a downshift during the spray if I can avoid it.


Other than that, have got the wiring through the bulkhead (not as much of a bitch as I thought it would be), have run the high pressure nitrous line from engine bay to boot - slots nicely under the trim along the driver's side and have added an innocuous looking arming switch to the dash. Have also tested all the wiring/fuses/controller/solenoids before I mount them in place.


Am away for the next few days (not taking the volvo - possibly just as well as I've just flattened the battery doing all the checks!) but should be back on Thursday so will get some photos and a progress update!

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Right then.


Had a few hours over the past couple of evenings to sort this out, and so far no explosions or flames - although in fairness the N20 bottle hasn't been filled yet!


The bottle itself is currently sitting in the spare wheel well in the boot, held down by a couple of straps. Not entirely happy with this system yet, it definitely needs some work although I'm not too keen to splash out on proper bottle mounts just yet. The straps actually hold the 5kg bottle pretty securely so there's little risk of it banging about and getting damaged.


Anyway, a few photos:


The Beast! She could certainly do with a wash, but I think that just adds to the sleeper look ;)



Routing the nitrous hose. Comes through the boot and runs under the trim next to the seats. Then goes through the bulkhead via a cable conduit.



The engine bay. Will get hold of some covers from the wiring rather than just leaving them exposed. Have used bullet connectors on all the wiring so it's easily reconfigurable if necessary.



'Borrowing' the WOT switch. Also shows the wiring and N2O hose coming through the bulkhead.



Wiring inside to the progressive controller. Not particularly neat, but will be tidied up easily enough. Still not decided exactly where the controller will live yet.



Pulsoids in place. Shows the fuel line from the test-port and the injector added just before the throttle body. Had to be quite careful to ensure that the lines didn't interfere with the throttle cabling at all. The slight issue with this placement is that it gets pretty hot here - considering adding in some ducting to channel air from behind the grill.



Very subtle arming switch on the dash. Also the controller sparks to life when the system is armed.



While I was taking pictures...



Next step is to get hold of some N2O and begin doing some proper testing. Have done some dry runs with just the fuelling (makes the mixture very rich but at least shows that it's working!) so I'm happy that the system is good to go. I'd actually forgotten how rapid in a straight line the car is anway, it's had a remap that lifts the turbo pressure and I can't wait to see what happens with all that extra fuel and oxygen flying about...


Anyone know a good place to get the bottle filled? I could do with finding a place near Suffolk, Nottingham or Birmingham. Ideas?


Will get some videos up when I do the first proper tests. I'm guessing unbelievable torque steer!



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Right then.


Had a few hours over the past couple of evenings to sort this out, and so far no explosions or flames - although in fairness the N20 bottle hasn't been filled yet!


The bottle itself is currently sitting in the spare wheel well in the boot, held down by a couple of straps. Not entirely happy with this system yet, it definitely needs some work although I'm not too keen to splash out on proper bottle mounts just yet. The straps actually hold the 5kg bottle pretty securely so there's little risk of it banging about and getting damaged.


Anyway, a few photos:


The Beast! She could certainly do with a wash, but I think that just adds to the sleeper look ;)



Routing the nitrous hose. Comes through the boot and runs under the trim next to the seats. Then goes through the bulkhead via a cable conduit.



The engine bay. Will get hold of some covers from the wiring rather than just leaving them exposed. Have used bullet connectors on all the wiring so it's easily reconfigurable if necessary.



'Borrowing' the WOT switch. Also shows the wiring and N2O hose coming through the bulkhead.



Wiring inside to the progressive controller. Not particularly neat, but will be tidied up easily enough. Still not decided exactly where the controller will live yet.



Pulsoids in place. Shows the fuel line from the test-port and the injector added just before the throttle body. Had to be quite careful to ensure that the lines didn't interfere with the throttle cabling at all. The slight issue with this placement is that it gets pretty hot here - considering adding in some ducting to channel air from behind the grill.



Very subtle arming switch on the dash. Also the controller sparks to life when the system is armed.



While I was taking pictures...



Next step is to get hold of some N2O and begin doing some proper testing. Have done some dry runs with just the fuelling (makes the mixture very rich but at least shows that it's working!) so I'm happy that the system is good to go. I'd actually forgotten how rapid in a straight line the car is anway, it's had a remap that lifts the turbo pressure and I can't wait to see what happens with all that extra fuel and oxygen flying about...


Anyone know a good place to get the bottle filled? I could do with finding a place near Suffolk, Nottingham or Birmingham. Ideas?


Will get some videos up when I do the first proper tests. I'm guessing unbelievable torque steer!



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