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while randomly googling something i found this....


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Ehh what were u googling nix, "rich arabs" or "rich exotic single men" :blush:


How do you know that Jay??!? You got that as one of your fave searches? And dont say that its what people look for when searching for you... We know your a student that wanders round unwashed with a dog on a string so those 2 search critiria are not you!!! ;)

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Sounds plausible enough to me. I'm not sure I'd want my Murci serviced by anyone out in the desert either, although for that sort of money I think I'd just send it back to Sant Agata to do it.


If you've got the money, then why not give the car to a garage you trust? I used to drive a 100 mile round trip to get my car serviced as they were the only people I trusted to work on it without breaking it.

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Ehh what were u googling nix, "rich arabs" or "rich exotic single men" :blush:


How do you know that Jay??!? You got that as one of your fave searches? And dont say that its what people look for when searching for you... We know your a student that wanders round unwashed with a dog on a string so those 2 search critiria are not you!!! ;)


Nah dude dont b silly but if u search for maghdad in youtube am sure you will find me on that ;) Going back to the other statement yes i am a student but a bloody good one at it, i drink and i sleep, so less of your cheek mark :p

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class, i like it. I do how ever like the comment about the why not fly the guys out there. Now what kinda stupid thing is that to say??? The plane is still gonna fly regarless of whats on it ya plonker.




p.s. :blush: emm . . . Jay. . . can i ask if you were jokin about the maghdad thing...... :innocent:

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Dosnt suprise me after living in the middle east...


Bloke pulled up in a lambo once on the side of the road, gets out and gets his mobile out, 20 mins later a guy turns up in ferrari, hands the key over and the lambo driver goes off in the ferrari, i go over to find out whats up with it, the guy is actually a ferrari salesman and its appears the lambo had a little fuel problem ie it had run out....


Turns out instead of phoning the AA he calls the ferrari garage, buys one over the phone and gets the sales guy to drop it off then and there... about an hour later one of the lambo drivers servants turns up with a fuel tank and spends about 10 mins trying to work out how to open the petrol cap, 10 mins trying to start it and then 10 mins stalling it and trying to work out how to drive it....


More money than sense!!

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