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just had the ambulance out


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been off ill last night and today with D & V but this afternoon have been suffering chest pains, i know a bit about cardio stuff as my mum had a heart attack last year and was sure it wasn't that. but it got to the point i couldn't cope with the continous stabbing pain in the centre of my chest. ended up ringing NHS direct who ended up calling an ambulance for me. got all the neghbours out and everything. ended up having an ECG and all other tests. doesn't seem to be a heart issue, paramedic reckons it might be a trapped nerve in the centre of my chest or severe muscle spasm.


must admit was releived to konw it wasn't a coranary issue, as i was getting worried when i was struggling to breath. will give the neighbours something to talk about. and i've now had my chest shaved by 3 blokes. :lol:


panic over :thumbs: now to get rid of the D&V

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I had a similar thing last year and spent the night in hospital, they put it down to overworking and not enough time off and the hard to breath down to a panic attack due to the chest pains! Had 3 ECG's and a load of other tests, x-rays etc and everything came back clear!!


Glad you are ok though mate, these things can be rather nerve wracking!!


btw, what's D&V? :blush:

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thanks guys, i hadn't posted to do so much as i was worried about heart problems, more that i thought it was funny that 3 guys shaved my chest. its all itchy now.


my wife told me off because she told me to ring for an ambulance an hour before hand but i was being stubborn and told her it would pass. it did but not until the paramedics turned up. its like they scared it away. :lol:


must admit, struggling for air is not fun. did make me a little panic'y was glad to see them turn up when they did. these guys do an excellent job and i sometimes think they are under valued.

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My Mrs had exactly the same thing about 6 months ago. Rushed her into hospital, loads of blood test and ecg's absolutely shitting ourselves, really thought she was having a heart attack.

Turned out to be an acid reflux problem, she's been on a health kick ever since and lost a ton of weight etc etc,now her boobs are shrinking, f***ing hospitals :rant:

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