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Hello from Tech Carbon

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  Tech Carbon said:
Check out the bonnet group buy then guys :D




Will do interior parts tomorrow too

Any chance you will be doing a teaser piece for a member so that they can verify quality. Dont want to sound like a pesimist, but those prices are a lot cheaper than what we are used to seeing (and rightly so!), just want someone to verify the quality. Sure you understand being the new guy, we might be a bit sceptical before dropping £275 on a bonnet. If they are good quality, I will be in line for sure ;)

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I completely understand that mate.

Hopefully be pulling off some Celica bonnets this week so will get pics of them up for you but until we receive the original 350z bonnet for the mould can't show you one of them in carbon.


Selling our bonnets singularly would cost considerably more than £275 which is also an introduction offer for you guys and wouldn't be that cheap after the 5 slots on this group buy is finished.

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  clarkie34 said:
Real carbon b pillars would be good,instead of the stick on stuff.


I agree, which is why I pulled my old flat stick on ones off and bought the real sculptured wraparound pillars from Envy a couple of months ago :thumbs:


If you're suggesting you want stuff which has the 3 stud fastener connections, I suspect you'd triple the price


Willing to be proved wrong tho'



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Well I am based in North Yorkshire but our workshop is in Derby.


I deal with sales from home and go down to the workshop once or twice a week to help out and stuff :p


We obviously have the normal black carbon weave and also these colour options:









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  Rob_Quads said:
Just out of interest are you wet laying the carbon over the top or are you laying carbon into moulds etc?


(Just looks like your laying carbon up ontop in the picture of that cover thing)


Them petrol covers and the arm rest were just a simple carbon skinning job so the layers of carbon on top of the normal part but producing the carbon replacements we use vacuum bagging ;)

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  Tech Carbon said:
Quality will be spot on buddy we have a number of quality control policies and we rufuse to send anything out that we wouldn't use on our own cars - if we do it wrong, we do it again B)


:thumbs: Spot on!

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  Tech Carbon said:
Aha a carbon trader!! :boxing:

Nah just joking mate... what products you currently offering the 350z guys here? I will steer our offers in a different direction :)



TBH mate, my carbon products are like eng.covers/bat and brake coves/air duct/b pillars, e.t.c e.t.c, and so forth, no bonnets or nothing on that scale :lol:, but currently my supplier is changing facilties as well as were hoping to get new products, jsut bloody talking ages :lol:.


Look forward to seeing some of the products you do B):thumbs:

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Sounds good I think it's looking like starting off with the bonnets (list going for that one as you saw) then the interior dash and trim pieces I will be putting up a thread for later today and then see what people are interested in after that.


Haven't yet got plans for any engine bay things but if we get request for it we can sort something out between us I hope (wouldn't want to come in trying to steal your business or anything like that obviously)

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