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I am a noob to the forum but no less in need of help.... The help I need today is in the shape of buying my first Z !

i am cruising the pages of Fleabay and Autofader in search of a sunset/black number but am getting somewhat frustrated by things either not being there anymore or quite what is or isnt an import. i am very sure you get asked for this kind of help often :ban: but as I intend to stick around after buying my Z that this would be a good place to start :drive1


So..... where else should I look fer a Z and on a budget of 13K what's my chances of getting an 09 ??????

you get the idea :band:

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Your best bet getting an 09 for 13k would be to take that money and pay a hoodie to steal one for you!


I just bought an 06 for 13.5 and i am pretty sure i got a very good deal.


PistonHeads is a great place to look for a Z.

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welcome to the site mate, I got mine through Pistonheads, you will be able to get a good car for that money but not that new im afraid. there are buying threads on here that list the spec diffences between a UK and an import so have a look at the search box.

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Firstly :welcome: to the forum.


13k for an 09 :scare: you have two chances of that, none and feck all.


Have a look on the forum here as it is a great place to start and if you can't find what you are looking for then you will be sure to find plenty on Pistonheads.


Alex. :thumbs:

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I think the others have the £13k for an 09 bit covered :bangin:


Check out the For Sale threads on here and Piston Heads, they are the best places. Post up the ones you are interested in and we'll let you know if its a good deal etc and what to look out for in terms of condition and any damage etc. :thumbs:

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+1 on Pistonheads - private sellers on there are likely to be passionate about their car and know what they're doing


Welcome mate you came to the right place :D

I'm relatively new - wouldn't dare try to give tecchie advice - but was shopping for mine for months and at the time knew everything in the country that was on the market - it became my OBSESSION :disguise: friends disowned me :lol: ......... You may well get a Blade 06 for around the 13k mark but it will have min 30k or higher mileage.

My advice would be forget the age - unless you're desperate for the big bonnet and an extra few BHP - go for mileage/service history/mechanical as your priorities

Good Luck

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I think one point to make is if you DO find an 09 for 13k I'd be REALLY carefull as its probably one of them scams.


Anyway, Welome to the forum! Some really nice Zeds for little money at the minute though so 13k should get you a really nice example :thumbs:

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  rob d said:
Thanks for the warm and moist welcom. :yahoo:

the 9k for an 09 was supposed to show how i am like everyone else: i want the best and pay feck all for it ! What i am asking really is what can i expect for my 13K?

how about this?


have phoned for a veiwing but no answer yet......


You have gone from one end of the scale to the other buddy!


For 13.5k you should be able to get something post facelift (06). Some dealers seem to have not cottened on to the fact that 350z's like most other high end cars have had alot of their value knocked off due to the credit cruch and such.


My advice would be to test drive one (anywhere) to make sure you like it. Once that is done that its just a case of finding the right car.


It helps alot if you are willing to travel.

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i got mine in november, payed £15,000 for a pre facelift 2006 uk car GT spec with only 13,000 on the clock.


the market had already dropped alot, i think for your cash it depends on what your looking for.


you might find an 07 but it will be high milage


might be able to find a low milage 05 possibly 06. if you go pre 06 your road tax is halved.

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