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What did you do for your 30ieth birthday???


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Only a few months till September....and on the 11th i ll be turning 30.... :scare::bang::headhurt:


:byebye: youth... welcome :crutches:


I was thinking of a trip on the Alps in my Z but i v done it..... :surrender:


A visit to Vegas but i dont wanna go there on me own.... :dry:


A week in Eastern Europe but i may not come back.....(dont ya think of anything dirty...have ya seen Hostel???) :lol::lol::lol:


A massive party would be like almost any Saturday night... nothing special... :drunk:


Any ideas??? What did you do for your 30ieth birthday??? :bounce:






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Not got to worry about that one for a little while! :yahoo:


Most of the others here that are passed it will have been driving to see the Beatles in Hillman Avengers and stuff so you might not get many useful suggestions. :D

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It's that long ago I can't remember. :lol: Was the only birthday that messed with my head. At that time footballers were finished in their early thirties & I felt that was happening to me, my best sports years were coming to an end. You can either do something to make it memorable, or treat it just like any other so that the age side of it doesn't have any significance. What ever you decide I hope you really enjoy the day.

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Cavey i v made enuf dvds already!!! ;):lol:


And i am very familiar with the VHS tapes...still got Top Gun on VHS at home...plus a few rambos and rockys.... :p:lol::lol::lol:


And for you all kiddies men are like wine... the older they grow the better they get... :boxing:B);):yahoo:


and if i say it a few more times i may convince myself.... :lol:


nothing from what you ve said i havent done.....well apart from getting somebody pregnant... ;):lol:


i was more thinking of a week in Tibet or something more extreme... :evil:

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Ride a motorbike across Aus.


Stewy man now we are talking!!! :thumbs:



Pick up a bike mag, the amount of mental tours in them are unbelievable. Treks across anywhere and everywhere. They look great fun!


I fancied South America.....



I want to rent a cruiser (Harley... :blush: ) in the states and tour about.

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I've got my 30th in December this year, and I think I'm going to treat myself to a Gallardo/Murci Spyder for a weekend on hire, not sure which one yet. Very expensive, but realistically I'll never have the cash to own one so it seems like a good excuse to splash the cash.

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