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Letter from Richard Brunstrom


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Notice of intended prosecution doing 38 mph in a 30.


However, I got flashed by a couple of other cars and I specifically remember slowing down to 20mph before I reached the bend before I even saw the van. I'm pretty adamant I wasn't speeding. What can I do - will they show me the video / photo evidence if I ask them? I can't really say " I was flashed and I slowed down!"


Don't want any more points ffs.

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You can ask for the evidence but the likelihood is that they'll say you can only see it when you go to court. Legally wrong, but unless you've got the cash to stump up for a specialist lawyer then all you can do is go with it. If you're 100% sure that you weren't speeding then go for it, but if it's only 80% then suck it up and take the points.

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You can ask for the evidence but the likelihood is that they'll say you can only see it when you go to court. Legally wrong, but unless you've got the cash to stump up for a specialist lawyer then all you can do is go with it. If you're 100% sure that you weren't speeding then go for it, but if it's only 80% then suck it up and take the points.

+1 they have to show you the evidence, but I think thats only in court. Worth asking though if you are adament that you werent speeding and that they couldnt have seen you before that bend.


Its highly unlikely they will have done you if you werent speeding. If they get found out that they did you when you werent speeding, they would be in so much trouble and possibly loose their job.

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No harm in asking for the evidence, the worst that can happen is that they say you can only access it in court. If you are certain you werent speeding, then the choice to challenge it is entirely yours.


As posted above, it is highly unlikely that they will have "done you" if you werent speeding, as it would be their job on the line. Though in todays culture of setting targets, and having to acheive those targets without fail, is it unthinkable that all may not be what it seems?


A letter asking if you can go on a driver improvement course in lieu of points may be a start. Afterall, if you have points on your license already, even though you have tried to adjust your ways it is evident by another NIP that the points havent worked, and in order to prevent this from happening time and time again, you would like to volunteer to partake in a driver improvement course to resolve the underlyig issue...... ;)

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