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The sun is shining and my roof wont work.


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  nixy said:
Rained here on and off all day Mart! Although typically its predicted red hot in bloody Wales this weekend!!!!


Hope you get it sorted!

:yahoo: And and i will be testing my new mid-pipe mod :thumbs:


Ps Along with a giving the car a bloody good wash :teeth:

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The rag top I have been advised will stop opening if the voltage/current to the hood motor drops below a certain level. Could be an electrical short somewhere along the line? The Nismo ECU I would not have thought would be the cause.............you never know though. Interesting what your local dealer says on the matter. Best of luck with it :thumbs:

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  martinmac said:
As soon as the rear strut releases it stops Colin. The sections are free and I have sprayed them. I can move it manually so its not physically jammed. I am pretty sure its electrical rather than mechanical.

Have you checked the fuses? Is it making any noise at all like it's trying to open, or just absolutely nadda??

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  choptop said:
The rag top I have been advised will stop opening if the voltage/current to the hood motor drops below a certain level. Could be an electrical short somewhere along the line? The Nismo ECU I would not have thought would be the cause.............you never know though. Interesting what your local dealer says on the matter. Best of luck with it :thumbs:



Or if you take your foot off the brake pedal - are your brake bulbs working btw?

But you know all of this - hope you get it sorted soon Mart and let us all know



I did find this online - not much f****g use though is it!!




I have an 04 350z convertible. For some reason, the convertible stop working

I cant open the convertible now nor close it.. Please help



3 Other Users Have The Same ProblemPosted by bobciss on Apr 03, 2009

I have a 2004 and when i depress the auto button to lower the top it just clicks. Please Help!!

Posted by jhardin184 on Feb 19, 2009

I have an 04 350z and having the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by tburd2608 on Jan 21, 2009

Mine has done the same thing!!! mine is a 2005. helpf!

Solution #1posted on Mar 13, 2009Asker's Rating



check for voltage to the top motor and the relater fuzes and relay.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I took the car to the dealers today, always worth a try as the last resort :lol:


:yahoo: All sorted. 1 hours labour and the mechanic checked all the voltages and sensors, no problems there. He then admitted he looked in the handbook " Take it to a Nissan Dealer" :lol::lol:


Anyway, as all the bits were ok he "assisted" the roof to open and it has started working now. Even though I greased the known sticky joints the roof mechanism has basically been clogged up with muck and wasnt moving freely.


I had a great afternoon with the roof down B)

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  IanS16 said:
Glad to hear its sorted mate! When reading that post I imagined the mechanic standing on the boot with one foot on the rear window pulling the top open :lol:


I am very lucky, my local dealer is very good. The saleman wears a forum jacket and they get calendars so they are very attentive :)

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