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My Kinetix V+ Plenum Installed


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After having waited nearly three weeks for it to be delivered it finally arrived yesterday and that same night i installed it!!


It was in fact quite a simple install but very time consuming making sure to follow every step of the procedure. Once installed i started it up and the engine stuttered and stalled......So i went round the bolts tightening them up once more....then started engine once more and it was stable but i had a very loud squealing noise ( air escaping )...... So i went round again and retightened all the bolts and left it over night. This morning i started the engine and wolla!! all fine....no air escaping, drove it to work without any hiccups. Looks quite smart too B)




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nice one, I've read on some other 350 forums that some sealent is a good idea? How have you found the performance now? Noticed any improvements, there's one for sale on here that i'm interested in


I will see how it goes and may add some sealant at the weekend. Not really tested yet i have got a trip to Cambridge today so i will test it out properly.

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I had the exact same issue with mine, when I installed it. Found the quoted torque settings for the bolts were nowhere near enough to keep it sealed.


Yeah i had to just keep turning ever so slightly until i felt it tighten up enough without going to far....very delicate job

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Definitely on mate. The spaghetti my mother cooks is less of a mess than that :lol:


And home made grounding kit? Did you copy one or literally just connect the wires to wherever? Pretty cool either way :thumbs:


I copied it mate. Can do you one if you want :D

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Don't forget that you will need to cut your engine cover a bit to get it to fit with the plenum :)


It does fit as it comes with big plastic washer....i put it on last night but took it off due to the adjustments but then couldn't be bothered to put it back on.

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how did you get on with it today then? Notice much difference? I've just bought one today and fitted it tonight, your right it is a pain in the arse to stop air leaks but it's now got a smooth idle once more, not had a chance to reset the ecu or drive it yet though

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