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Reasonably busy few days.


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Well FINALLY got my car back from the body shop after having my bumper replaced. I must say I had my doubts about the bodyshop the insurance company chose but they have made a fantastic job of the repair.


Anyway, I had a few goodies waiting to get fitted which I have done over the past few days.


- Eibach spacers

- Silver indicator bulbs front/rear (looks SOOO much better than the standard "fried eggs")

- LED sidelight (can't really see them well in the daylight)


Gave her a decent detail today too, which included washing and sealing the wheels whilst they were off.

Took some iphone pics, the old primer grey doesn't scrub up too badly eh?



Also managed to squeeze good old pittodrie stadium in the back too for Stew's benifit.










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