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At last, a year for the roadster.


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Great news if you believe it, this has just been released. B)


The coming summer is 'odds on for a barbecue summer', according to long-range forecasts. Summer temperatures across the UK are likely to be warmer than average and rainfall near or below average for the three months of summer.


Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office, Ewen McCallum, said: "After two disappointingly-wet summers, the signs are much more promising this year. We can expect times when temperatures will be above 30 °C, something we hardly saw at all last year."


Although the forecast is for a drier and warmer summer than average that does not mean that we will not get some heavy downpours at times. However, a repeat of the wet summers of 2007 and 2008 is unlikely.


Government Services Director, Rob Varley, said: "Our long-range forecasts are proving useful to a range of people, such as emergency planners and the water industry, in order to help them plan ahead. They are not forecasts which can be used to plan a summer holiday or inform an outdoor event."


Met Office seasonal forecasts are just one part of the jigsaw in the range of forecasts provided, complementing our shorter-range forecasts and supporting our role, as the nation's official weather forecaster, to help everyone make the most of the weather.


The Met Office works with the Environment Agency, SEPA, the NHS and others across government to ensure that we are ready to meet the challenges that severe weather may present us at any time of the year.

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Some points last year it was unbarable.


Last year was quite cool - think I only had to put the air con a couple times, few years ago i had weeks where it was on all the time I was in the livingroom


Your'e lucky - I have to resort to another ride out in the Zed to get the benefit of any airconditioning but then I get to :teeth:

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Come on Martin!

You must remember your days of doing Met deep sea.....

It doesnt matter what the predict! The only thing you can trust, is that big bloody typhoon through the windows! :bangin:

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Better get that aircon installed in my bedroom then. Some points last year it was unbearable. If its going to be hotter this year, I'll be sleeping in the car with the aircon on :lol:

Lol, it doesn't get hot enough there to need aircon. :lol::lol::p:bleh:

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Summer temperatures across the UK are likely to be warmer than average and rainfall near or below average for the three months of summer
Which three months would that be...........October, November and December?


I know you like to take on the MET office every now and then Martin, but can you manage to do it for a whole summer?


Just realised that this smiley :cold: is a face in a scarf with a hat on. I thought it was a face with a hat on, sitting on top of a plane.............may need my eyes testing! :blink:

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I am going to go back to basics and use the weather charts I think, I cant do any worse than they do.


If I remember I will start a post of my weekend predictions and see how it goes :thumbs:



You certainly can't do any worse than they do :lol:

We do something similiar in the yachting game when we are doing our :boat: over here

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I am going to go back to basics and use the weather charts I think, I cant do any worse than they do.


If I remember I will start a post of my weekend predictions and see how it goes :thumbs:

Remember the little people when you become a famous weather forecaster Mart. ;):)

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