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Navigation door


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Hi guys


I've just bought a 2005 350z Roadster to which I have no remote for the sat nav.

The dealer is sourcing this which shouldn't be a problem but my question is this.

How is the navigation door supposed to work?

It's open all the time at the moment is that right? Can I close it with the remote when I get it? Or is it broken and do I need to take this up as a warranty issue?

I can't seem to be able to shut it manually there's obviously motor on it as there is resistance there when I try and pull it down but I haven't tried too hard as I don't want to break anything.


Anyone got any ideas? :huh:

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Unless its been modified, the standard door, you need to pull it out towards you (keeping it level) and once out all the way, then down. It should shut then. Its a very awkward mechanism. It will give some resistance as when its closed and you press the button, it retracts on its own. I believe there was an aftermarket door you could get that was driven off a small motor, but I dont know how those ones work.


If you could post a pic that would be great as there are a couple of versions.

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It's definitely not been modified but I am terrified of breaking it - it seems flimsy and there's a awful lot of resistance when I try and pull it out.

I'll give it another go later and hope I don't break anything!

If no joy I'll put up some pictures

Thanks :D

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It may be the japanese one that has the mororised door, but IIRC it didnt work on a remote button press, it works on a button press in the car or on engine on.... Is it a UK or an import? Any manual as there could / should be a way of opening the door with no remote....


A pic of the dash may help :)



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yeah, just pull it towards you i reckon. :thumbs:

+1 - try pulling it towards the back of the car, keeping it level. If you let go it will retract back into the dash. If you pull it out as far as you can it will then tilt down :thumbs:

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if its got a motor, dont pull it as there will be teeth somewhere on the motor that will open and close the door.


I would wait for a bit for someone to come along that has this type of setup to let you know how it works.


It could be that its got no motor and its just jammed slightly..... if so, a little wiggle from side to side (the door, not you, but please feel free to do so if you feel that way inclined!) may free it. It also may be that its been left for a bit and the coil spring at the top just needs a bit of help. I have one without a motor at home that I can try later if you can wait!



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I've tried but I still can't shut it!

It goes most of the way out then seems to get caught on the left hand side and I can't pull it far enough out to get the catch in the right place.

i presume perhaps the mechanism is bent or has something in it.

Ah well, job for the weekend :headhurt:

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Hi and welcome to the forum. The door is a bit of a problem. I had a bridview retro fitted in my roadster and it a bit plasticy. When it works the door pulls back out until it is fully clear and then flips down. When it was fitted the dealer mechanics had not clipped the dash back on properly and it did jam. :headhurt:

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Hi and welcome to the forum. The door is a bit of a problem. I had a bridview retro fitted in my roadster and it a bit plasticy. When it works the door pulls back out until it is fully clear and then flips down. When it was fitted the dealer mechanics had not clipped the dash back on properly and it did jam. :headhurt:


I think this may be the case as the centre console moves about a bit.

I will have to take it out and clip it all in again properly


Erm, what is a sprinkly?? :blink:

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it started when someone said (keith I think) we have a sprinkling of female members on here - bit like a sprinkling of snow I suppose! :lol: Anyway, its better than some of the things they could call us! :lol: Hope you get the cubby door sorted! :thumbs:

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Where abouts are you based Caroline? I'm sure a local memeber could come and have a look. This kind of stuff is much easier when you are sitting in front of the problem and not trying to diagnose over the net :)

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Sprinkly very good - and most polite quite refreshing! :lol:


I'm in Enfield, North London. I don't mind fixing it myself though I'm not adversed to getting my hands dirty and I like to learn.

The only thing that worries me is having my sat nav on show all the time :thumbdown:

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